
Mariental fights crime

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Mariental fights crime

Anchua Naruseb


After just a few months of installing close circuit television network (CCTV) cameras all over town, Mariental has received some positive results in crime fighting.

The town started installing CCTV cameras, which, according to town council CEO, Paul Nghiwilepo, is aimed at combating crime and disorder while improving community safety.

“The safety and well-being of our community and visitors is one of our top priorities, and the CCTV programme is one of several new initiatives designed to improve public safety and community confidence,” said Nghiwilepo.

Though the project is believed to have a controversial outcome on the public’s right to privacy, the general outcome of the CCTV project to hold the guilty accountable for their actions makes it an effort the council is ready to make. 

Council further states the system is in place to create a sense of security within the community.

Mariental chief fire and emergency safety officer Dirkie Cloete states that the data obtained from the surveillance footage from the CCTV will be in the safe hands of either the Namibian Police or Intelligence Services. 

“Currently, the project is monitored by a private security company under the supervision of council until such a time that we have fully operationalised our emergency response centre that will be located at the Mariental Fire Status,” said Cloete. 

The project is funded by various local companies.

“Council covered the cost for erecting street poles in areas where it was required, as well as ensured the provision of electricity,” said Cloete. 

Council, however, understands everyone has the right to a private and family life, and states that the project is in response to crime and bringing criminals to book.

The project will see the installation of 4×4 directional cameras at various locations in and around Mariental. 

Council anticipates that the CCTV installation will be fully operational from 30 October 2022.