
MICT bridges Kavango East digital gap

Home National MICT bridges Kavango East digital gap
MICT bridges Kavango East digital gap

Cecilia Iyambo

The information ministry’s Kavango East regional office has rolled out its free basic computer training programme to residents of the region’s remote areas.

This is part of MICT’s efforts to close the digital gap in rural areas, following an outcry from constituency councillors who demanded that the programme be cascaded to the rural areas as it previously only benefited those in the capital, Rundu.

Kavango East Regional Council chairperson Damian Maghambayi, who also serves as the constituency councillor for Mukwe, commended the office for initiating such a programme, underscoring the importance of ICT literacy in the ever-changing digital space and technology, emphasising that it creates an avenue for government to cascade E-governance to grassroots levels.  “Business is booming in Divundu and one of the requirements for the youth to qualify for those jobs is computer skills. This programme will help in addressing the issue of unemployment in the Mukwe constituency,” he noted.

Maghambayi further encouraged the ICT ministry to make sufficient budgetary provisions to support the programme and ensure that more young people benefit.

David Mushavanga, a member of the San community from Omega 1 village who also benefited from the training, implored the ministry to add value to the course by ensuring that the programme is accredited. 

“I’ve gained valuable ICT skills that will help me navigate during these technological times,” he said.

MICT Kavango East regional office introduced the free MICT basic computer literacy programme in 2020 in line with the ministry’s strategic plan which plans to accelerate ICT development, access and use for an inclusive ICT smart Namibia by 2030. Since its inception, the office has trained over 700 youths in the region and the number is expected to increase as more efforts are invested in the programme.

According to the Namibia multidimensional poverty index of 2021, 70% of the total population in Kavango East is living in multidimensional poverty compared to the national poverty rate of 43.3%. 

Additionally, the National Planning Commission’s 2015 report on poverty and deprivation in Namibia classified the two Kavango regions as the poorest regions after the two regions recorded a combined 53.2% poverty per headcount. The report further indicated that out of the estimated 568 418 poor people in Namibia, 21% are from the two Kavango regions, which have a high unemployment rate.  

These statistics and other factors propelled the regional office to introduce the basic computer literacy programme to assist school going learners and unemployed youth with ICT skills, with the aim of developing the participants ICT literacy.

The programme is currently ongoing, with support from the regional council and the directorate of education in Kavango East.

– csiyambo@gmail.com


* Cecilia Iyambo is an information officer in the MICT, Kavango East.