NABCOA’s brand name launched

Home Business NABCOA’s brand name launched

WINDHOEK- Namibia Business Coalition on AIDS (NABCOA) underwent a rebranding stage yesterday in the capital when it launched its new brand name and corporate identity to Health Works Business Coalition (HWBC)

NABCOA was established in 2003 with an aim to engage the private sector to the national response to HIV/AIDS. “Since its inception NABCOA is regarded as the leading agency with the responsibility of mobilising the awareness of private sectors in an effort to encourage National response to HIV/AIDS and the impact it has on Namibia” said Peter Van Wyk, the CEO of NABCOA now HWBC
Van Wyk said the new name has a premeditated double association stating that with “Health Work” it aims at integrating organisational workplace health concerns, while the “Business Coalition” will continue evolving in a business trading perspective.
He further said the new strategy has recognised the need for a fresh corporate branding and a new name as part of it transformational plan in which it aims at providing a comprehensive and valued work place wellness support service to serve as sustainable and strategic organisations.
Thus as a result NABCOA with the newly transformed brand it will move its focus from only targeting HIV/AIDS employees to general health and wellness of employees in an organisation either affected with STIs, Malaria, TB and other health related issues such as cancer, high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes.
Furthermore NABCOA’s stakeholder Wilet Potas, the Manager for Medical Quality Services and Pharmacist took the chance to hand over Safecare certificate to eight NABCOA trainees for their first phase training. Some walked away with the new branded t-shirts to honor them for their effort in trying to suggest a new name for the organisation.