
Namibia applauds Maduro “no-surrender spirit”

Home National Namibia applauds Maduro “no-surrender spirit”

WINDHOEK – Namibia has applauded Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro for his “determination and spirit of no-surrender” saying it has upheld the country against the onslaught of foreign powers bent on crippling the long-held history and principles of the country.

International Relations and Cooperation Deputy Minister Christine //Hoëbes made this comment while speaking at the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) meeting held in Caracas on July 20 and 21 under the chair of Venezuela, head of the NAM Coordinating Bureau, to prepare for the NAM Summit slated for this year October in Baku, Azerbaijan.

More than 50 NAM member states along with some observers and guest countries took part in the event, themed “Promotion and Consolidation of Peace through Respect for International Law”.

“The theme of our meeting today is appropriate and relevant as it emphasises the importance to promoting the respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations, human rights, peace and development,” //Hoëbes said in her speech.

She said there is no question that “we live” in a time when the multilateralism space is increasingly contracting. 

“We, therefore, need to be reminded of the principles and purposes of the Non-Aligned Movement and as such, we should remain united in the face of unilateralism and tendencies of self-proclaimed interests,” she said.

She further said as Namibia continue to witness the erosion of multilateralism, her delegation believes this could not only reverse the hard won progress made over decades, but also runs against the spirit of SDG 17 on revitalizing the global partnership and international cooperation for sustainable development, which could have negative consequences to the development in countries.

“Namibia as a child of international solidarity has enshrined in its constitution the Principle of Non-Alignment, the respect of international law, peaceful co-existence and non-interference in the affairs of other states,” she said. 

She added that it is against this background, that President Hage Geingob as the current Chairperson of Sadc delivered a declaration recognising that the people of Venezuela have expressed their political choice through their parliamentary elections of December 2015 and May 2018. 
“The declaration urges the international community and all stakeholders to respect the outcomes of these elections,” she said.

She added that the declaration further condemns the violations of the principles of international law and calls for respect for sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, to allow the people of Venezuela to resolve their internal issues in an amicable and peaceful manner and within the confines of the constitution of their country.

She said Namibia reiterates its strong fraternal solidarity with the government and the People of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Furthermore, //Hoëbes said for 57 years, the Cuban people have been victims of an unfair and unnecessary economic blockade. 

“The economic, commercial and financial blockade is contrary to international law and the Charter of the United Nations,” she said. 

She said Namibia remains hopeful that the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba will be fully lifted, that relations will improve and that the two countries will restore full economic activities for their mutual benefit.

In the same vein, she said Namibia, commend the efforts made by the government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on the Korean Peninsula, to ensure that peace and security is maintained in the region.

“We call for all NAM member states to support these peace initiatives, to ensure lasting peace in that region,” she said.