
Namibian Police Celebrate 16th Anniversary

Home Archived Namibian Police Celebrate 16th Anniversary

By Ester Paulus TSUMEB The Namibian Police in Oshikoto Region commemorated the 16th anniversary of the Namibian Police Force last week Friday at the Police Regional Headquarters in Tsumeb. The day, which is commemorated on November 26 every year, was celebrated under the context of police officers who lost their lives during the execution of their duties. At the occasion, the Deputy Commissioner of Oshikoto Region, Anannias Muzile, who addressed police officers on behalf of Namibian Police Inspector-General Sebastian Ndeitunga, said the blood that was shed and the lives lost by police men and women in the fight against crime should serve as an inspiration to forge ahead with the fight against crime. “We should zealously guard and protect their dignity and loyalty for the sacrifices they made for the love and patriotism of our beloved motherland.” Meanwhile, Oshikoto Regional Governor Penda Ya Ndakolo, who officiated at the occasion, said that, since the establishment of the Namibian Police by an Act of Parliament, Nampol has lived up to its mandate to prevent crime all over Namibia, investigate offences and alleged offences, maintain law and order and preserve internal security countrywide, amongst others. Ya Ndakolo, who stated that the Police Force consists of people who previously fought against each other before independence, declared that it was a daunting task to merge the two forces, and many sceptics were waiting for the worst to happen. Fortunately, however, due to the policy of national reconciliation, the force has chosen to prove to the world that it was mature and able to work in harmony irrespective of such differences. The governor was quick to point out challenges faced by the Namibian Police, such as lack of finance, lack of human resources, physical resources, material resources as well as the HIV/Aids pandemic. He assured Nampol that, with time, such challenges will be addressed. At the same time, he cautioned officers to behave responsibly when engaging in sexual activities. The public was also urged to report and share any information related to crime to the Namibian Police in order to curb crime. The day was celebrated with stunning performances by the Namibian Police Force.