Nanso condemns student-teacher affairs

Home National Nanso condemns student-teacher affairs


The Namibia National Students Organisation (Nanso) has noted with great concern the increasing number of student deaths and the manner in which they are being killed, as well as incidents that preceded their deaths.

The students’ organisation is in particular troubled by the manner in which a Grade 10 learner at Augustineum Secondary School and her elder sister were murdered last week by the learner’s former boyfriend and school teacher. The teacher, 32-year-old Ananias Kamati, was arrested last week for killing his 18-year-old former girlfriend, Jacqueline Kuaseua and her 30-year-old elder sister, Cecilia Kuaseua.

The incident – that drew widespread condemnation – occurred between Elim and Hermann Gmeiner primary schools in Khomasdal after she apparently ended the relationship due to his abusive tendencies.

Nanso is also disturbed by incidents in which several other students succumbed to injuries due to stab wounds inflicted on them on or near campuses and also called on teachers to desist from engaging in sexual relationships with learners.

“We are indeed troubled to hear of teachers, who are involved sexually and emotionally with their learners and we strongly condemn this practice. Teachers, who are luring students into relationships must be dealt with and removed,” stated Ester Simon, Nanso secretary for gender and social welfare. The permanent secretary in the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, Sanet Steenkamp, on Thursday said there were 39 cases recorded of teachers involved in sexual affairs with learners over the past year across Namibia. She said all 39 cases recorded involved male teachers, with 37 of them charged, while five have since been discharged from the public service.

Nanso is equally unnerved by the tendency of university students to get involved with older men for monetary gain, saying such practices are dangerous to their health and wellbeing.

“We call on students at tertiary institutions to distance themselves from practices like sex-for-marks, which must be prevented… Further, students should avoid getting involved in relationships with taxi drivers and other men for material benefits while at university. We should strive to overcome these challenges and ultimately graduate,” she urged.

Recently a University of Namibia (Unam) student was also shot and killed by unknown assailants not far from campus, while on his way with two fellow students from the shopping centre in Pionierspark.

Against this background Nanso called on municipalities to create safe and conducive environments for residents to be able to get around freely and safely.

“It is clear that a serious de-bushing exercise should be undertaken to clear all potential areas, which may attract crime, or where criminals are prone to conduct their activities due to the nature of the environment. Lighting all over cities and towns is essential,” Simon said.

Further, Nanso said the organisation stands ready to assist the Namibian police in sensitising learners and students on crime prevention measures.

They also called for more educative platforms to be created to tackle gender-based violence as a matter of priority to achieve a radical transformation of attitudes in society.