
Ndapanda’s Travels – Easter Tips

Home National Ndapanda’s Travels – Easter Tips

Namibian Easter generally means one of two things: 

1. You are getting on a plane and going to live your best life in a foreign country (usually Cape Town – I mean, it’s just four days, we cannot afford to travel too far).

2. You are getting on the road and going to my hometown to visit loved ones.

Either way, safety and financial tips may come in handy, and because I am obviously your domestic travel Godmother/sister and friend, I am here to offer some.

For the drivers:

1. If you are going to spend the first day of Easter on the road, please avoid driving late where possible, and rather target the earlier hours of the morning. We are often tired from the work, and need some rest. We also avoid the unfortunate incident of bumping into animals that you may not see on the road.

2. We could be tired of this same song, but it makes all the difference. ADHERE TO SPEED LIMITS. Your adherence could be what saves you and the lives of the other drivers on the roads.

3. Take as many breaks as you need. Driving is exhausting. If you need to stretch your legs, make a stop. If the distance is a little too long for you, opt for a co-driver.


Now that we have the safety out of the way, let’s get into the actual travel.

1. Travel, as we all know, costs money, so plan accordingly. Have a budget set so you know what your financial boundaries are, and do your best to not cross them.

2. For leisure travellers, discern wants from needs before you spend recklessly. Do you really need that designer perfume? That bag? Does wanting it right now make sense? Will you make it to the next payday comfortably if you make that unplanned vacation purchase?

3. The last and slightly contradictory tip is to splurge on your loved ones if you are able to. People at home see so little of us; it’s only right we make it worth their while. Add an extra All Gold tomato sauce to the basket. Have we seen cooking oil prices of late? They would appreciate it.

4. Lastly, always remember to have a good time! Enjoy the views you paid for, and spend time with the people you travelled to. 


Rest is rare, use the chances you get effectively.


For travel advice, brand collaborations as well as curating of your trips, do not hesitate to reach me on ndapandahaininga@gmail.com


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