
Nujoma concerned over killing of women and children 

Home National Nujoma concerned over killing of women and children 

Collins Limbo

WINDHOEK – Founding Father of the Namibian Nation Sam Nujoma has strongly condemned the recent escalation of violence and senseless killings of women and children in the country.

Nujoma, speaking at the 6th Dr Theo-Ben Gurirab lecture series last week at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (Nust), singled out the recent killing by men of three women, while a young woman had to be transferred from Walvis Bay to Windhoek after allegedly being shot by a police officer.

“These are but a few of many similar cases reported in our country and I thus strongly condemn the brutal ongoing killings of women and children in Namibia,’’ he said. ‘’ 

“Under these circumstances, Gandhi’s vision and gospel of non-violence summons us to be loving, tolerant, forgiving, selfless and compassionate,‘’ said the founding father.

“It is good that the whole world learns from Gandhi’s concept of non-violence which is based on goodwill towards all human beings,” he added. 

The lecture was held under the theme “150 Years: Celebration of the Vision of Mahatma Gandhi.” 
In the speech, Nujoma mentioned other things that were important in Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophies that have affected Namibia – among them the concept of freedom and non-violence; India’s contribution to Namibia’s freedom and genuine independence; the relevance of these concepts and how collective efforts can bring about freedom for all. 

Nujoma added that being a great statesman, thinker, humanist and an apostle of peace of the 20th century, Gandhi through his revolutionary concept of non-violence led India to freedom and independence. 

The word ‘’non-violence’’ can be further translated to mean non-injury living beings or dynamic harmlessness. But Gandhi presented non-violence in a new form and shape before the world. “In this sense it is essential to stress the significance of Gandhi’s message which makes an appeal to the values of human beings in an era when the humanistic structure has been savagely attacked by the might of weapons of mass destruction,” he added.  

He said that India gave support to Namibia ranging from war equipment, such as Mahindra Jeeps mounted with 106mm anti-tank rocket launchers (ATK).
India also promoted Namibia’s just cause for freedom at the United Nations summits.