
Ode to a pair of ex-ballers

Ode to a pair of ex-ballers

Well, the author came to know Seth Tjazuko during our stint with the newly formed unfashionable Katutura outfit Windhoek Defenders Football Club in 1969. The red and green strip outfit was formed by the football-crazy South African migrant one Robert Mingula who happened to squat at the Single Quarters holed up right in the middle of Herero location. 

The new kid on the block provided enthusiastic young footballers with the opportunity to showcase their talent in organised structures. Windhoek Defenders also provided shelter to those players who couldn’t break into African Stars’ first and second teams. 

Amongst the new recruits was a light skin fast as lightning right winger going by the name of Tjazuko. Some of his celebrated teammates were Paul Tjikutima Kaurimuje, Oscar Mengo, Edward Semba, and a few others. Bro Seth also played for OD outfit Flames Football Club.

Bro Seth was the elder brother to the equally talented football-playing brothers Alfred Juku Tjazuko, and Nico Hindjou. Cousins and nephew Haitjama ‘Jomo’ Nakanene, Jerry ‘Magobetzy’ Tjizo, and Issascar Uzeperauina Kamara, who were also formidable ballers. 

And even though his overall football ability didn’t inspire the confidence of the neutral fan unlike his highly gifted younger siblings, Juku and Nico, the tireless quicksilver forward was a reliable right-winger with amazing stamina, very strong and never shied away from rolling with the punches whenever the situation demanded. 

Bro Seth is the biological old man of local popular songbird Stella Tjazuko-Naruses of Kapepo fame. The super energetic forward also enjoyed success with his hometown team African Lions FC back in his native town Omaruru playing alongside greats Hermann ‘Blue’ Karimbue, Eliah Mberira and others. 

RIP – Silvanus ‘Zala’ Numbala 

A dark cloud has befallen the usually joyous coastal town of Walvis Bay following the sad passing of local socialite and former Blue Waters Football Club bulky defender Silvanus ‘Zala’ Numbala. The latter succumbed to ill health at a Windhoek health establishment last week. 

Though he was a squad member with exciting seasiders, the likeable Numbala was a popular figure in the dressing room and was a friend to many and those whom he has rubbed shoulders with on the playing field or in social circles.

 A proud product of the revered Martin Luther High School (MLH) in Okombahe, he started his primary school in Otjimbingwe. Upon leaving school he found himself in the freezing holiday town of Swakopmund on the banks of the giant Atlantic Ocean. 

He wasted little time and joined local Mondesa outfit Atlanta Chiefs playing alongside greats such as Hermann ‘Pele’ Blaschke, Ruben ‘Rubi’ Kamulu, ‘Issy’ Kamara, Kaningandu Masilo, Alphews Gaweseb and a few others. He also had a stint with another Mondesa outfit Blue Boys Football Club. 

The hard tackling versatile defender who played in all positions across the back line developed itchy feet and vacated the Swakopmund currents only to find refuge with Kuisebmond outfit Blue Waters Football Club. 

Bro Zala slotted in well like a glove in hand with the smooth sailing ship marshalling the rearguard alongside the evergreen Ranga Lucas, Jerry Shikongo, and Simon ‘Motwa’ Mwandingi. He was in the unplayable Birds’ squad that won back-to-back Dave’s Furnishers Cup gold medals in 1976 and 1978 respectively. The Birds defeated Tigers 2-0 and 2-1 in the final on both occasions. 

Regrettably, his premature departure from playing competitive football was orchestrated by his transfer to the city of bright lights after he found himself a ‘slave’ with Trans-Namib occupying the portfolio of long-distance senior truck driver.