
Ongwediva to assist needy residents

Home National Ongwediva to assist needy residents

ONGWEDIVA – The Ongwediva Town Council on Thursday launched the Ongwediva mayoral fund to assist destitute residents within the town.

Speaking during the launch of the fund, mayor Angelina Angula said the fund aims to assist residents affected by occurrences and circumstances beyond their control and in need of a helping hand.
This in return will promote the social wellbeing of the residents of Ongwediva. 
These include families affected by fire or those who are poverty stricken.

“It is our belief and conviction that council has a responsibility to take care of its residents who will find themselves in desperate situations.  However, the helping hand shall be within the ambit of the available resources,” said Angula.

Angula said the council intends to make a significant impact that could not have been done effectively in the absences of a platform of this nature.

“Experience has taught us that an incident can happen anytime with or without warning and in the process, properties and livelihood can be at stake.  Therefore, as a local authority, we feel it is just right to come to aid when it becomes necessary,” said Angula.

The mayor encouraged the public and the private sector, as well as individuals to make significant contributions to this fund to sustainably serve its purpose.

“Although the fund does not have money or materials at the moment, I am confident with the support from good Samaritans, this fund will one day be proud to show results hence my request to prospective beneficiaries to ensure that whatever will be received is used properly as intended,” said Angula. -nashipala@nepc.com.na