
Opinion – Reduce, reuse and recycle for a green Namibia

Home Opinions Opinion – Reduce, reuse and recycle for a green Namibia
Opinion –  Reduce, reuse and recycle for a green Namibia

In a world grappling with unprecedented environmental challenges, it is paramount to grasp the far-reaching consequences of our actions on our planet. In an article, titled “Nurturing Namibia’s Green Future”, in the New Era newspaper of 5 September 2023, page eight, we delved into the intricate concept of the carbon footprint and its ominous implications for our environment. Furthermore, we shed light on the pivotal role of effective land governance in the ongoing battle against the carbon footprint scourge.  Additionally, we emphasised the significance of small yet powerful steps that each one of us can take to collectively mitigate our carbon footprint.

This current article focuses on one of the key pillars of our strategy: the formidable trio of actions – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (or the 3Rs). These 3Rs are fundamental in our quest for a greener and more sustainable Namibia.


The carbon footprint reminder

Before delving into a comprehensive exploration of the 3Rs, it is imperative to underscore why these actions hold paramount importance. The carbon footprint, a consequence of our daily activities like driving and electricity consumption, serves as a significant contributor to the looming spectre of climate change. Its repercussions are far-reaching, affecting our climate patterns, wildlife habitats, and the delicate equilibrium of our ecosystems. Yet, it is precisely within the framework of the 3Rs that we discover our most potent arsenal for combatting this dire predicament. These principles not only empower us to reduce our carbon footprint but also serve as a beacon of hope for mitigating the relentless march of climate change, right here in Namibia and beyond.


The 3Rs

Reduce: Scaling down for a greener future:

Our first step on this transformative journey is “Reduce”. In a world where excess is pervasive, reducing our consumption is the linchpin. Plastic, a major contributor to pollution, remains a focal point. Here’s how we can scale down:


Reimagine single-use plastics: 

Challenge the status quo by swapping out single-use plastic products with reusable alternatives – a conscious decision that not only champions environmental well-being but also lightens the load on our finances.


Champion energy efficiency:

 Harness the power of efficiency for a dual victory. Power down lights and appliances when idle and make the sustainable choice of energy-efficient appliances to significantly trim electricity consumption, simultaneously benefiting both your pocket and the planet.


Reuse: Breathing new life into old treasures:

“Reuse” invites us to breathe fresh and new life into old and everyday items, a practice that not only reduces waste but also conserves precious resources. We not only promote environmental sustainability by embracing this principle, but also alleviate the pressure on our land resources. This, in turn, supports effective land governance by ensuring that our land is used judiciously and sustainably, without excessive strain on its capacity. For example, when we “Repurpose and Renew” items instead of discarding them, we reduce the need for manufacturing new products, which often requires extracting raw materials from the land. We indirectly ease the burden on land resources that would otherwise be exploited to meet our consumption demands by extending the lifespan of items through creativity and innovation. 


Here’s how we can harness the power of reusing:

Repurpose and revive: Unleash your creativity with items like jars, containers, or old clothes. Transform them into something innovative and valuable instead of relegating them to the landfill.

Pay it forward: Instead of discarding items in good condition, consider donating or selling them, or pass them along to someone who can make use of them.

Refill instead of replace: Slash packaging waste by opting for refillable containers for products such as cleaning supplies and personal care items.


Recycle: The circle of sustainability:

Our final stop is “Recycle,” a vital element in closing the sustainability loop. Namibia boasts recycling programs and centres, and here’s how you can participate:


Know your recyclables: 

Familiarise yourself with what can be recycled in your area, including paper, cardboard, glass, and specific types of plastics.

Waste separation at home:

 Establish a recycling station at home to segregate recyclables from other waste, streamlining the recycling process.

Support local initiatives: Seek out and support local recycling centres; they are part of the cornerstones of our collective commitment to preserving Namibia’s cleanliness and environmental vitality.


The Future Lies in Our Hands:

These 3Rs chart a clear path toward a more sustainable Namibia. By embracing these principles, we become catalysts for change, stewards of our environment, and leaders for future generations. Committed to the 3Rs, we can make our cities cleaner and our ecosystems more vibrant. Let’s take action today, champion these principles in our communities, and lead by example. Namibia’s destiny firmly resides in our hands, and with the power of the 3Rs, we are paving the way for a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future, while contributing directly to the effective governance of our precious land.


* Oluibukun Gbenga Ajayi is a senior lecturer in geoinformation technology in the Department of Land and Spatial Sciences, Namibia University of Science and Technology. He writes from Windhoek and can be reached via oajayi@nust.na. The views expressed in this article are entirely his own and not those of Nust.