Opinion – Sensational reporting on corona will do more harm

Home Letters Opinion – Sensational reporting on corona will do more harm

Annette Mabuku

It is relieving to see and hear how the government is working hard in putting up measures to prevent and try to contain the two confirmed coronavirus cases from further spreading. It is a relief knowing that events that may attract Covid-19 on a high scale have been postponed or even suspended.

Unfortunately, even big and national events like graduations and the 30th independence celebrations have been called off, including banning of big public gatherings for the next 30 days.
All these are good measures and actions government and all stakeholders deemed fit in curbing coronavirus, after all prevention is better than cure. 

And I believe these were all decided upon, in responding to the outbreak of coronavirus in the country. 
In all these we applaud the Ministry of Health and Social Services and the media for their prompt monitoring and response

However, after following reports from the different local media, personally, I feel that the coronavirus has received too much publicity.

Please do not get me wrong, I know the virus is deadly. And therefore, it is good to share information, to educate the nation about the virus; it is good to implement preventative measures, it is good to give us updates, but sensational reporting will do our country more harm than informing it with facts.
I swear if coronavirus was a selling product, this virus would have sold like hot cakes.
As media you are supposed to inform and educate the masses with facts on current matters, in this instance Covid-19, but I feel that some of the local media reports are there to instil fear than informing the public, creating unnecessary panic.   

Reports are exaggerated – how does one battle two cases, we can battle cancer yes, but two confirmed cases, for crying out loud? 
Some media are reporting on unconfirmed cases, what happened to media ethics, what happened to verifications and authenticity? 

It is this kind of reporting that may send many people to indolence – although Namibia has received this flu epidemic, the nation still has to eat, bills to pay … and to eat one has to work. Work from home and in the factory. 

As media, be there to report factually; be there to build the economy of the country. Report on how the nation can take precautions to avoid contraction of the virus, give ideas on how people can work from home, give ideas on how learners can still concentrate on their books while on a sudden holiday. Give ideas on how people can hold their business meetings without meeting in person, encourage people to keep calm as the state and all stakeholders try to find a solution to remedy the situation, not giving reports that will send the nation to their graves early.

And to my fellow believers in faith, this is the time we should be on our knees crying to the Lord Almighty for protection and wisdom. Our hope comes from the creator alone.