
Oshana schools overcrowded

Home National Oshana schools overcrowded

Victoria Kaapanda 

ONGWEDIVA – Some schools in the Oshana Region are faced with multiple challenges, including overcrowded classrooms, which have seen up to 55 learners in one class. 

New Era visited Ehenye Primary School and observed a lack of furniture and ablution facilities. Some learners were seen standing in groups outside the classrooms because of space constraints. 

“Every learner needs the teacher’s attention, especially those with different disabilities. We also want to move freely around our classes when teaching, but some classrooms have no space at all,” said a concerned teacher who requested anonymity. Overcrowding has been a major concern at many government schools over the years. Oshana education deputy director Gerhard Ndafenongo said the ministry’s norm is for every teacher to serve at least 35 to 40 learners. 

“Only less than 40 learners are expected in a class, I am not aware of some schools that are experiencing such challenges, that is poor management and I will follow it up,” Ndafenongo said as he downplays the situation. He further added that the placement of 50 learners in one class is unacceptable.