OMUTHIYA – Three people, two of whom were Angolan nationals, committed suicide in Oshikoto over the past week.
On Saturday the police found the decomposed body of Johannes Jukiipo Kasheshe from Ondjiva, Angola hanging from a tree with a rope around his neck.
The deceased disappeared a week ago after he stabbed his co-worker with a knife following a quarrel. The incident happened at Okatope village where they were both employed in the same homestead.
“The victim had opened a case of assault against the deceased who fled and was later found dead on Saturday hanging,” said Oshikoto regional crime investigation coordinator, Deputy Commissioner Naomi Katjiua.
The police opened another inquest on Saturday, after Ismael Panduleni Domingus, 22, from Omhokolo village, Cunene province, Angola committed suicide by hanging himself with a wire outside a friend’s residence.
“It is alleged the deceased who was a cattle herder came from the cuca shops with a friend. However, when the friend woke up in the morning the deceased was not in the room; he only discovered his lifeless body hanging from a tree with a wire around his neck,” said Katjiua.
She said that a third suicide involved a 29-year-old man from Okamwiyu village, Olukonda, who hanged himself with an electrical cable in his room.
He was identified as Fillemon Nasimane Angula.
No suicide note was left and his next of kin were informed.
An 82-year-old woman burned beyond recognition when her corrugated zinc room caught fire. “It is alleged the deceased was cooking inside the room at the time and the fire might have erupted from it,” she said, adding that her neighbours tried to rescue her.
She was identified as Teopolina Shikongo from Oshitambo village, Oshigambo. Her next of kin have been informed.