Personality of the week – Leandri van der Walt

Home Sports Personality of the week – Leandri van der Walt

Name:             Leandri van der Walt
Date of Birth:         09/11/1994
Place of Birth:         Keetmanshoop
Marital Status:         Single
Nickname:         Lan or Pallet
Car:             Volkswagen
Current Club:         Wanderers since 2013
Previous Club/s:         Wanderers ever since
Position:         WD, WA & C

Career achievements? Graduated last year with an honors degree in Business Administration. Currently the Corporate Manager at Sakhiwo Health Solutions. And I’m also a shareholder in my brother’s Company iNet Consulting Services. 
Favourite local or international netball player?  I have so many, but I will probably go with Bongi Msomi from South Africa.
Your most memorable match? Our match against Cook Islands in Singapore last year at the Nations Cup. I was very relaxed and I just enjoyed the game without overthinking every move. 
Your toughest match? The opening match against Singapore also at last year’s Nations Cup. I was quite nervous and didn’t know what to expect. 

Biggest career disappointment? I had a quad injury last year just before the league started. I was out for almost half of the season. I had a 7cm tear the length of my Rectus Femoris. 
Biggest influence on your career? My mom. My mom was a star netball player when she was young and that’s where I got my love for netball. 
If not netball, which other sport would you have played? I would’ve been a sprinter. I used to be good at athletics before I left that to take Netball 
Which Namibian player do you most enjoy playing with? Anna Shipanga, we just understand each other on the court, and also Himee Tjejamba – she has a great way of motivating players on and off court. I love all of my teammates though. 
How has netball changed your outlook on life? Netball taught me that if you work for it and believe in yourself, you can achieve anything, no matter what other people say. 

Are you happy with the state of Namibian netball? Yes, I believe the leadership, coaches and technical staff are doing their best to grow netball in Namibia with the limited resources we have. I strongly believe that Namibia possesses the talent to exceed everyone’s expectations. 
From a development perspective, what does Namibia need to do for netball to catch up with the rest of the world? Namibian players need to get more exposure to international competitions. Gaining experience is key. 
Describe Namibian netball in four words: Sleeping giant waking up!!! 
Your ambitions for 2020 and beyond? It’s my dream to play at the 2023 World Cup in Cape Town, South Africa. I strongly believe that we are capable of qualifying for the next World Cup if we keep on growing and continue gaining more international exposure and experience.