
Popya – Rodney Seibeb sets best example for youth

Home Youth Corner Popya – Rodney Seibeb sets best example for youth

From being a chef in Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) to working for Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC), Rodney Seibeb is a good definition of ‘dreams are valid’.

Youth Corner sat down with the popular gospel singer and songwriter who is also a customer care service consultant at MTC to give his recipe to success.

The Katutura born singer said while working in KFC, his dream was to always work for one of the biggest companies in the country, a dream which became true when he got employed at MTC. 
“ I strongly believe in hard work and it’s because of that, I am currently who I am. I know a lot of people who didn’t do well in their matric and they gave up on their goals. This may seem like a cliché but never give up on your dreams,” advised Seibeb who is currently studying for a degree in communications at the University of Namibia.

According to him, a lot of young people are struggling to achieve their dreams because they are competing with others.

He said, “When I was still job hunting, my peers were already living lavish lifestyles and that never discouraged because I knew my time will come and here I am today.” 
As one of his greatest achievements, Seibeb won the MTC Exco award in 2017.

He describes himself as an eager, saying an eager doesn’t lose its focus and it’s goal oriented.
“Just like an eager, when I want to achieve a certain goal, I go for it despite challenges I might encounter, a mindset I want young people to have,” he advises.

At the same time, Seibeb is also pursuing his dream in music and has so far released three commercial albums with Welwitschia Music Production.

– ashikololo@nepc.com.na