Debmarine sponsors books to 10 community libraries

Home National Debmarine sponsors books to 10 community libraries

ONGWEDIVA – Debmarine Namibia through its social responsibility fund donated books valued at N$130 410 to 10 community libraries in the regions with the least community libraries.

The beneficiary regions are Kavango West, Kunene, Zambezi as well as Oshana.
Oshana specifically received 96 books, which will be divided amongst its three libraries.
The books in Life Science, Physical Science and Mathematics will be distributed to the Oshana Regional Library as well as the Rössing and Uukwangula community libraries.

Receiving the donation, the Director of Education in the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture Hileni Amukana said the books come in handy as Oshana Region is in dire need of supplementary teaching materials to improve the outcome of both the teachers and the learners, saying that the textbooks alone are not enough.

With the constraint budget allocation to the region, Amukana said the directorate is relying on stakeholders in making a difference in the day-to-day teaching.

“Education is a shared responsibility and during this time when budgets are tight, we rely on our stakeholders to lift us up,” Amukana said.

Amukana also extended a hand to Book Master’s Managing Director Frank Salandy who approached possible donors and facilitated the process of handing over the books.

The chief librarian at the Oshana Regional Library Sam Kasulwa said the library receives on average 2000 and 3000 visitors per month, of which the majority are school going learners.

In addition to the substantial amount of books, the library also has computers fitted with internet which allows visitors to browse subscribed online books.

Equally, the library also provides a platform for learners and student writing examination to study and also promotes programs geared towards improving the reading culture in the region.