Water a deferred dream for remote constituency

Home National Water a deferred dream for remote constituency

OMUTHIYA – Some communities in one of the remotest constituencies in the Oshikoto Region, Nehale Lya Mpingana still struggle to have access to potable water.

The community mostly relies on wells and boreholes for both animal and human consumption, but due to its vastness, many still walk long distances to access water.

The dire situation partly eased last year when two boreholes were drilled at Andoni as well as a water pipeline to Omupupa village. However, this year two boreholes at Omboto and Omatope have broken down leaving the community with no source of water.

Nehale Lya Mpingana councillor, Leevi Reinholdt in an interview with New Era, said the water problem has persisted and is far from being resolved.

“It is still the same problem, although so far there are eight more drilled boreholes but half complete because there is no funds to buy the remaining equipment. We are still looking for the funds,” stated Reinholdt.

In addition, he said they have presented proposals to get four more boreholes drilled at Ohaingete, Onghune, Oshikukutu and Onegolo. “In total, it will be 12, once these projects have been completed. There are plans to connect the pipeline from Omupupa to Oshamakaka and Oshana Shepandela. After this, I am certain the majority will have access to water,” said a hopeful Reinholdt.

On the brighter side, Reinholdt said the network connection nightmare that have many of the inhabitants cut from the rest of world due lack of telecommunication infrastructures will soon be a thing of the past as they will be seven MTC network towers to be erected.

“Clearing of sites where the towers are to be erected has started at Elavi, Onalusheshete and Omboto, while other areas include Olukupa, Okaloti, Oshamakaka and Andoni, at the moment I cannot say the whole constituency will be covered,” said the founding councillor of this newly proclaimed constituency.