Rebranded vehicles unveiled for Transport Inspectorate

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Rebranded vehicles unveiled for Transport Inspectorate

The Roads Authority this week unveiled 26 rebranded vehicles with the aim to enhance the Transport Inspectorate’s identity and visibility. The rebranding forms part of the harmonisation process to enhance the Southern African Development Community’s (SADC’s) regional law enforcement identity and part of alignment pertaining to corridor joint law enforcement operations.

According to Roads Authority CEO, Conrad Lutombi, the SADC region’s law enforcement identity was incorporated in line with the Tripartite Transport and Transit Facilitation Program (TTTFP). In addition, the rebranding is part of the Roads Authority’s Integrated Strategic Business Plan for 2023 to 2026 to capacitate the Transport Inspectorate Division with both digital solutions and intelligent law enforcement systems such as automation at weighbridges, onboard speed cameras and e-force equipment. 

Lutombi stated that a total of 26 vehicles (23 sedans and three single cabs) were rebranded at a total cost of N$602 500.00. The rebranding was funded by the Road Fund Administration and was done via the AVIS Fleet Services on an existing Service Level Agreement. 

“Going forward, all new vehicles will be supplied with the new branding. We want to use this opportunity to inform public members to identify our vehicles with the new brand and report moving violations to our Law Enforcement officials as and when travelling on our national road network,” said Lutombi. 

The Roads Authority’s mandate is to manage Namibia’s national road network with a view to achieve a safe and efficient road sector. In addition, the Authority is responsible for the prevention of excessive damage to roads as well as other functions relating to traffic and transport as assigned by the works and transport minister.

The Transport Inspectorate Division of the Roads Authority is the law enforcement arm of the entity responsible for managing overload control through national weighbridges, inspection of driver and vehicle fitness, inspection of domestic and cross border road transportation at both weighbridges and main national roads.  

“I am happy to share with you here today that the Roads Authority has made significant progress with preserving the road network as the compliance rate has been kept at 99.5% for almost a decade,” Lutombi added. 

The Roads Authority is a key stakeholder in the Road Safety National Agenda and supports this function by conducting highway patrols and by increasing visibility which leads to deterrence of potential offenders, ensures compliance and subsequent reduction in motor vehicles crashes. 

Aside from damaging road infrastructure, overloading has been identified to be a major contributor to preventable road traffic accidents. At the reveal of the rebranded vehicles Lutombi noted it is common knowledge that an overloaded vehicle is difficult to steer thus prone to be involved in head-on collisions. An overloaded vehicle also takes longer to come to stop thus placing unnecessary pressure on brakes, often leading to overheating and eventual brake failure.  

Said Lutombi: “As you all know, road traffic accidents on our road network are claiming lives of, especially, the most productive groups in our society, namely the youth. Coupled with the high fatality rate is the loss of valuable property”.  

Thus, please allow me to use this platform to acknowledge all road users, particularly, the Heavy Vehicle Operators who try by all means to comply with the law. Thank you for doing the right thing, we appreciate your contribution to preserving our road network and ensuring road safety. In the same vein, those who deliberately try to bypass the law for their own benefit, are cautioned and informed that our Law Enforcement Officials are vigilant and if and when you are caught, you will be will be dealt within the confines of the law.