
Renewable energy project brings change at Muyako

Home National Renewable energy project brings change at Muyako

MUYAKO – The renewable energy for climate change mitigation project, which was launched at Muyako in February last year, has had a positive impact on the residents of Muyako village.

Residents say the project, which was funded by the Namibia Red Cross Society (NRCS) in partnership with the Spanish Red Cross, has improved their lives. 

The project, which was aimed at enhancing the use of renewable forms of energy, saw the construction of 10 energy-saving cooking stoves and the installation of a solar energy irrigation water pump.

Muyako residents told officials from the NRCS during an assessment visit to the area on Monday that the energy-saving stoves have set them free of burden. The say they are now using less wood when cooking thus they no longer have to struggle to fetch more fire wood.

Speaking to New Era, Patrick Tabo who is the beneficiary of the solar energy water pump, said that previously he just farmed on a small scale for his own consumption. But now he has extended his project to one hectare, which has enabled him to start selling produce and still feed his family.

“Now I am able to sell vegetables not only in Muyako but also to nearby areas of Zilitene, Iseke and Bukalo. At times I even go sell in Katima Mulilo,” said Tabo.

He however he said that many a time he is faced with transport issues to transport his vegetables. “To hire a vehicle some would charge you N$600, some even N$700 and you get N$800 in return, which is not much,” said Tabo.