Revolutionary greetings from NANSO

Home Youth Corner Revolutionary greetings from NANSO

Dear fellow students, first and foremost, we congratulate all students and learners, [who] have passed this semester exams both at university and high school levels. We celebrate final year students that have closed yet another chapter going forward of which best wishes are registered. We encourage them to continue leading and pursuing academic excellence.

At our recently concluded 15th Elective Conference, students and learners restored full confidence in the collective leadership of NANSO (Namibia National Students’ Organisation). It is through this conference that the students have reasserted their firm belief and trust in NANSO, to be the only uncompromising champion of student issues, interests and aspirations. This, therefore, is a huge and humbling responsibility in the organisation’s history headed by its first female president. This is leadership that is indeed premised on reuniting, rebuilding and realigning the student’s movement, informed by three principle pillars of policy development and implementation; campus and community engagement and international relations and cooperation, all aimed at securing our primary goal of attaining free quality higher education in Namibia.

As we are about to round up the year and preparing to go off for holidays, may we use this festive season to re-energise, as we are looking forward to a festival of more organisational building, education policy proposals, community campaigns and campus-related work next year. These efforts, we believe, are the best strategy to better advance and represent students’ issues and interests. The best way to provide this leadership is for all structures, branches and regional executive committees to also use the time we have been entrusted with to the best of our abilities to serve the youth student movement selflessly, honestly and, above all, with humility. Indeed, with all our collective efforts, we do look forward to next year, when we will be expected to assist our teachers, our parents, brothers and sisters, and education officials as they will be faced with issues of having to find school placement, registration fees, hostel accommodation needs, stationary and school uniform struggles, among others.

Comrades, while on holiday, we encourage students to read organisational literature, to read all national education policies and to engage with regional educational leaders and officials and community councillors, to get a better understanding of the order and meaning of things. Informed by an understanding that NANSO programmes must exist beyond the classroom and boardroom, we also encourage students to undertake community work by leading campaigns, and getting involved in community projects that aim at providing practical solutions to direct community challenges. So, during this festive season, our leaders and members at all levels must be ready and available to assist and address any student on any programme, and on any issue that may be pending or may arise.

It is for that reason that we call on parents, and community leaders in all capacities, to be exemplary and to encourage productive activities to be initiated at home and community level with family and friends. So let’s keep busy with holiday jobs and community programmes. Let’s continue to learn, learn and learn, as this is the primary responsibility of young people. As we discourage students and youth from engaging in counter-productive activities such as alcohol and drug abuse, it is very important that we strongly advise parents and students to practice financial savings for the upcoming educational troubles, in January!

With regards to NSFAF (Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund), two weeks ago, the leadership facilitated a technical committee compromised of key NEC (national executive committee) and KREC (Khomas Regional Executive Committee) representatives that led marathon meetings with the management of NSFAF, to address questions and issues affecting students, amongst others, whose exams results had been withheld due to tuition arrears.
Subsequent to which NANSO is glad to report that NSFAF has, from Friday, 15th, begun the process to honour outstanding student tuition fees, and as a result, students are able to access their final year progress and academic reports. Moreover, we do believe and view this development as minimal victory as our ultimate victory will be the attainment of free quality higher education for all in Namibia.

However, we will continue to robustly engage NSFAF so as to ensure progressive and timely funding of all qualified student beneficiaries, and that new applications and award letters are processed in time before registration. In addition, we will continue to monitor the state of education in Namibia, and more so will be looking forward to engaging both education ministries with the purpose to share policy proposals and perspectives on the transformation of higher education that will ensure a responsive, effective and efficient, functional and world-class education system.

NANSO is home and hope to students. Hence, we must carry high the name and brand of the organisation. Let’s remain central! Let’s remain vigilant and available to serve! Let’s be humble! Let’s be disciplined! Let’s be responsible! Let’s keep safe and stay out of trouble! Finally, let’s help our parents with home chores as always.
Happy Holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
– Ester Simon, president of NANSO