Safety Campaign Billed a Success

Home Archived Safety Campaign Billed a Success

By Tapiwa Mkabeta WINDHOEK Namibians enjoyed relatively safe holiday travelling after a successful “Together We Care” (TwC) road safety campaign that started on December 10 last year and ended last month. The TwC campaign was an initiative to reduce the number of road accidents over the holiday season that ended several weeks ago. To ensure the success of the campaign during the December and January holidays, thirteen businesses pooled together their resources to assist in making Namibian roads safer for holidaymakers. For the holiday season, TwC had three main projects that included handing out safety gear for roadblocks manned by law enforcement agencies. TwC distributed 29 908 packs consisting of various items from sponsors as well as safety brochures to motorists. Some 13 908 packs were handed out to motorists in Windhoek and another batch of 4 000 were handed out in Swakopmund. Motorists in Oshakati and Keetmanshoop received 8 000 and 4 000 packs respectively. The TwC road safety awareness campaign also launched the Party Bus operating between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay coastal towns. The Party Bus service was a success as it made a total of 290 trips between the two coastal towns, transporting some 537 people. Compared to 2004, the number of people on the bus who made use of its services during the 2005-2006 holiday season increased by approximately 150%. “It does not take a genius to work out that TwC has managed to prevent a number of possible accidents through the use of the Party Bus. An accident is very costly for all parties involved.” These were the words of a happy Hardus Viljoen, Chairman of TwC. Viljoen said the Party Bus is a concept that has proved to be successful and that the TwC road safety awareness campaign is looking at the possibility of extending the bus service to include Windhoek in the course of this financial year. Apart from the 2005-2006-holiday campaign, the TwC group made efforts to ensure the wearing of safety helmets for cyclists, through a campaign run last September and October. To assist authorities in their task to curb drunken driving, TwC also distributed 2 000 breathalysers, of which 800 went to the coastal towns, 400 to Windhoek and the remaining 800 to the northern parts of the country. The success of the Together We Care Campaign is attributed to support from some medical groups and other sponsors that helped in the various campaigns held throughout the 2005 and 2006 holidays.