
Sheya assesses Fransfontein water challenges

Home National Sheya assesses Fransfontein water challenges
Sheya assesses Fransfontein water challenges

Cecilia Xavier


KHORIXAS – Kunene regional governor Marius Sheya recently went on a fact-finding mission at Ward 9 and Petrus Fontein in the outskirts of Fransfontein settlement to assess the water challenges in the area.

Sheya said the fact-finding mission looked at various challenges the communities are facing in terms of water infrastructure.

“The fact-finding mission is then for us to assess which are these areas that have been long on the list and then for us to submit a report with a request to the Office of the Prime Minister for them to assist us in getting additional materials so that we can then finish all these places that we have stated already,” explained Sheya.

He added that the water issues that Petrus Fontein residents were facing have since been resolved, as the government has put up a desalinating plant to make water potable for human consumption.

However, the community representative at Ward 9 Fuka Xam //Goaseb informed the governor that they have been struggling to get drinking water since 2002 when the community’s borehole water was declared unfit for human consumption by the rural water supply division. 

Although there is an alternative borehole about 1.5km away, //Goaseb said the water yield is not sufficient for the whole community.

//Goaseb noted that the community is left with no choice but to consume water from the unfit borehole and those that have means import water from elsewhere. 

He requested the earth dams to be revived so they can have water.

Faced with similar challenges are the residents of Petrus Fontein who complained of the unavailable potable drinking water for humans and animals.

A representative from Rural Water Supply, Jose Sachilombo, assured the community that there is a plan in place for a desalination plant to clean water from the unfit borehole. 

With the earth dams, a study should be conducted first to establish a catchment area, he said.

*Cecilia Xavier works for the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology in Opuwo.