
Sick prosecutor delays ‘killer teacher’ trial

Home National Sick prosecutor delays ‘killer teacher’ trial
Sick prosecutor delays ‘killer teacher’ trial

Roland Routh

The trial of a former teacher that stabbed his wife 12 times in front of their children causing her death was on Tuesday postponed to 17 October because the prosecutor fell ill.

Judge Herman January was informed that State advocate Seredine Jacobs was booked off by her doctor and he subsequently postponed the matter.

Patrick Geingob, who was declared competent to stand trial and understand trial proceedings, after being assessed by two psychiatrists, is set to plead when the matter returns to court. His legal aid sponsored lawyer, however, indicated that he would bring an application to have two of the charges relating to previous assaults thrown out for being too vague and broad. The assault charges emanate from an incident in 2011 when he allegedly hit the deceased with an open hand with the intent to cause her serious bodily harm and that he slapped one Ragel Boois in the face.

It is alleged by the State that the 38-year-old Geingob killed his wife, Merentha Geingos in the kitchen of their marital home in Okuryangava by stabbing her with a knife 12 times in front of their children.

Geingos died on 14 April 2019 at the Katutura State Hospital, where she succumbed to her injuries upon arrival. During Geingob’s failed bail hearing, the court was informed that he arrived home late that night and had an argument with Geingos, which resulted in him stabbing her.

The tragic incident happened while the couple’s children were at home. In a post-mortem report that was submitted as part of the evidence in Geingob’s failed bail application, it is recorded that Geingos was stabbed 12 times. Two of the injuries she sustained – one stab wound to the abdomen and a deep stab wound to her right thigh – were potentially fatal, the report states. Geingob is facing a charge of murder read with the provisions of the Combating of Domestic Violence Act, one count of defeating or obstructing the course of justice, one count of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and one count of common assault. The defeating charges are because he allegedly unlawfully and with the intention to defeat the course of justice removed and /or discarded his shirt and short trouser at a residence which is a distance away from the crime scene.

According to the charge sheet, the accused and deceased had a tumultuous relationship characterised by fights and the deceased at one time obtained a final protection order against the accused. The protection order was valid from February 2014 until February 2017.
