Staff Reporter
Berlin, Germany-The Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek (DHPS) under the shrewd leadership of the “Inclusion team”, walked away with a certificate for the second prize in the inclusion competition amongst German Schools Abroad, “Living and learning together” at a glittering prize giving ceremony in Berlin, last Thursday.
The quartet of DHPS representatives led by Carola von Blottnitz, Hannah Reusch, Tatjana Metzger and vice chairperson of the board Heilke Daun, received the prize money of N$71,600 in cash in addition to the certificate.
DHPS received the award for its enormous efforts in inclusion projects, such as its partnership cooperation at the Special Olympics World Winter Games,
The DHPS Interact clubs fundraising campaign “Run4Rio” to support Namibian Paralympic athlete star Ananias Shikongo and the school’s own professional support centre as well as active inclusiveness amongst its employees topped the list of the school’s impressive resume.
The prize money will be used to strengthen inclusion efforts at the revered Windhoek based school and to actively live and learn together at the DHPS even