Swapo councillor loses in primary vote

Home National Swapo councillor loses in primary vote

Steven Klukowski

KEETMANSHOOP – One of the longest serving Swapo regional councillors has failed to make the cut following a highly contested ruling party primary election in the //Kharas region last weekend. 
Incumbent !Nami#nus constituency councillor Jan Scholtz lost out at the local district conference to former Lüderitz mayor Susan Ndjaleka, while Taimi Kanyemba emerged as the ruling party candidate for the Karasburg West constituency, replacing Paulus Efraim who opted not to stand for the upcoming regional council and local authority elections set for 25 November. 
However, some reigning councillors, including Elias Kharugab (Keetmanshoop Rural), Lazarus Nangolo (Oranjemund), Dennis Coetzee (Karasburg East) emerged victorious from their respective district conferences.
Enrico Blaauw was chosen as the Swapo candidate for Keetmanshoop Urban, while Census Ovambo was preferred in Berseba. 
Current Berseba constituency councillor Dawid Boois also opted not to stand for another term.
Scholtz, who is also the //Kharas Regional Council chairperson, described the election process as free and fair, whilst accepting the outcome. 
“I have laid a proper foundation for the development of residents in !Nami#nus constituency and the region as a whole and hope my follower will build further on it,’’ he told New Era yesterday. 
The outgoing councillor added his successor should be a “people’s person” and not only one who wants the benefits attached to the position. 
Scholtz also indicated that he will give more attention to his private business in the next five years. 
“I am proud of my achievements reached over the past five years as a servant of the community and will always be willing to give advice based on my political knowledge when required,’’ he said. 
On her part, Ndjaleka expressed her gratitude to the Swapo structures for ensuring the inclusion of women as political candidates for councillor seats. 
“The party furthermore groomed us over the years to serve the Namibian nation in top political positions,” she added. 
The candidate went on that the polling process was democratically free and fair whilst women representation as //Kharas regional councillors has been a challenge for many years. 
“It is rather premature to indicate at this stage what my immediate plan in terms of activities to be carried out will be if I become so fortunate to be voted as the next !Nami#nus councillor,” she said. 
The ruling party also finalised its candidates’ list for the Keetmanshoop local authority elections, with incumbent Gaudentia Kröhne, Johanna Iileka, Hilaria Titus, Theresia Vilho, Johannes Nghidinwa, Vincentius !Goraseb and Festus Shilimela among the candidates.
– sklukowski@nepc.com.na