
Swapo vows to  deal with Amunyela

Home Front Page News Swapo vows to  deal with Amunyela

ONGWEDIVA – The Swapo top brass in Oshana will convene today to deliberate on the actions of a local businessman who locked the regional headquarters offices at the weekend in an apparent protest move against the party’s regional coordinator. 

Swapo coordinator in Oshana Samuel Nelongo, who also chairs the regional executive committee, said appropriate action would be taken against the perpetrators following today’s meeting. “If they open it before that, it is a bonus for us; otherwise, we will take appropriate action,” said Nelongo. Amunyela, who had earlier organised a demonstration demanding the resignation of Nelongo, said their act was prompted by the lack of feedback from the executive committee as far as their petition is concerned. 

One of their demands is to have Nelongo suspended or to resign voluntarily, accusing him of using the office he is entrusted with as his own. “Until we get answers to the concerns raised in the petition, the office will remain locked. We have evidence of corruption being committed in that office and we are, therefore, appealing he steps down,” said Amunyela. 

He said he was equally aggrieved Nelongo continues to preside over meetings in which he is the point of discussion. “It is unprocedural to chair a meeting where one has vested interest. Ideally, he should recuse him from the meeting,” said Amunyela. 

Chairperson of national leaders assigned to Oshana Veikko Nekundi refused to dwell on the matter, saying his job is merely to advise the region. 

“But I cannot advise them through the media,” said Nekundi. He said information should be enquired from the regional executive committee, which in turn reports to the party’s politburo.

Nelongo, however, refuted claims that Amunyela’s petition is not receiving attention. According to Nelongo, the petition was discussed at regional level, which took a decision to forward the matter to the politburo. 
He said a letter to that effect was drafted through the secretary general’s office of the party.  As for the allegations levelled against him, Nelongo said they are mere accusations which hold no water. 

“Amunyela is going around asking for information from people, including office officials, to discredit me.  If he has the evidence he claims to have, he should present it because as it looks, he is still fishing,” said Nelongo.