WINDHOEK – Allen Jonathan, also known as Swart Baster, has been the talk of the town lately after he released two albums, ‘If not, Why not’ and ‘Vrede is Die Rede’ at the same time earlier this year.
Swart Baster, who has been quiet for some time, says he was busy working on his two albums, and it is not easy for an independent artist to release two albums at the same time.
“You have to be good and hard working for you to make this happen,” he says. One album caters for Afrikaans language only, and the other for all 12 languages that he speaks. “My fans used to complain about me singing one language only, while I speak more than 12 languages. I decided to use all the languages that I know on separate albums, to represent my image,” says Swart Baster about the album in Rukwangali, Oshiwambo, Damara/Nama, Chokwe, Nyemba Chimbudu and Otjiherero.
Regarding his other album, ‘Vrede Is Die Rede’ (which means peace is the reason), Swart Baster says since he does not like violence, he wanted to encourage people to bring peace to the nation.
“Also because of my fans who always ask me in Afrikaans ‘hoekom kan jy nie vir ons Afrikaans album maak nie, sonder dat jy ander talle in sit?’ (meaning why can you not do us an Afrikaans album without involving other languages?) I realised it was a good idea since my name is Swart Baster this will make sense,” explains Swart Baster.
He says his first label was Naughty Crew03, which is the name of their hip-hop group with his friends from Swakopmund, but he decided to start his own label Royal Records 03, which only has one artist signed under it. With this record label, he wants to promote upcoming artists and to pass his talent on to them.
“So far, I only have a talented artist, Jittah, and I am looking forward to signing up many local talented upcoming artist,” he says.
This year, Swart Baster says he is focusing more on promoting his two albums and shooting more videos to help expose his music everywhere, starting from Africa, then worldwide.
“I will make this happen because I believe in myself as a hardworking and reliable artist. I will achieve my goals no doubt,” says Swart Baster.
Some of his notable achievements so far was being nominated in the Sanlam NBC Music Awards several times. Although he never walked away with an award, he says this did not discourage him to stop his music career because awards are really not his target.
“I am looking forward to performing outside Namibia since I am leaving by the end of February to go and perform in Luanda, Angola, and April in Pretoria, South Africa.”
His biggest dream is to be signed by a record label in South Africa.
“I have been dreaming of working with big artists from outside our country and perhaps this is the time to make my dream come true,” he says.