
Telecom, Napwu strengthen partnership

Telecom, Napwu strengthen partnership

Telecom Namibia and the Namibia Public Workers Union (Napwu) formalised a new era of cooperation by signing a recognition and procedural agreement. 

The agreement, replacing a 25-year-old predecessor, establishes a modern framework for labour relations that aligns with the amendments in the Labour Act, and the evolving needs of both parties.

The signing ceremony, held at the Telecom Namibia headquarters, was attended by key stakeholders including the Napwu leadership, Telecom Namibia’s executive and management, negotiation teams, and media representatives.

“This agreement signifies a significant milestone in our longstanding relationship with Napwu,” said Stanley Shanapinda, CEO of Telecom Namibia. “It reflects our mutual commitment to a productive and harmonious workplace that benefits both our employees and the company.”

The new agreement streamlines processes, enhances clarity and fosters a collaborative environment. It also addresses the challenges and opportunities presented by digital transformation, underscoring the importance of joint efforts to navigate this evolving landscape.

“By working together, we can create a workplace culture that fosters innovation, productivity, and employee well-being,” Shanapinda added. “This agreement is a foundation for continued growth and success for both Telecom Namibia and our employees,” he said.

“We are pleased to have reached this milestone with Telecom Namibia,” said Petrus Nevonga, general secretary of Napwu. “This agreement demonstrates our shared commitment to the welfare of our members and to the continued success of Telecom Namibia as a leading telecommunications provider in Namibia.”

He went on to say the recognition agreement is a document aimed at “achieving efficiency in our dealings, and mutual respect. For the objectives of the recognition agreement to be achieved, it will not administer itself. It is administered by people who are party to it, it is us, the union Napwu and Telecom. 

If we celebrate the agreement and do not live up to the terms and the provisions of this agreement, it will be a futile exercise, and in the end will create labour confrontations between us. I call on the parties to put this agreement into practice, and realise the objectives of this agreement,” Nevonga noted.

He further called on the parties to always negotiate in good faith, and work together to resolve any issues that may arise between the parties.

Telecom Namibia indicates that it is on a digital transformation journey, a path that brings with it both opportunities and challenges. The fourth industrial revolution and the rapid pace of digitalisation demand agility and adaptability. 

It said, that through this partnership with Napwu, Telecom Namibia is committed to ensuring that its employees are equipped with the necessary skills and support to navigate this evolving landscape. By working together, Telecom Namibia believes that it can harness the power of digital transformation to create new opportunities for the business and its staff.

The parties stated that the signing of the new recognition and procedural agreement marks the beginning of a new chapter in the partnership between Telecom Namibia and Napwu. Both parties are committed to upholding the principles of fairness, transparency and open communication as they work together to achieve shared objectives.