The 2007/08 National Budget Made Easy: Part 4

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Development Budget Analysis: Government allocates a substantial amount of financial resources each year for financing development projects that are believed to have a positive impact on the economy.

When compiling development budget, the major emphasis is put on infrastructure development and on sectors identified as the driving force for Vision 2030, such as sustainable agriculture, health and education, science and technology, peace and social justice and projects that leads to elimination of income inequality. Despite more financial resources being set aside for infrastructure and projects, the rate of execution of the development budget has been worrisome. In most cases ministries do not even come closer to the minimum execution rate of 75 percent, and Government has identified poor planning capacities due to lack of technical skills as one of the main cause of this low implementation and execution rate.

As ordinary citizens, we can help Government ensure that all projects budgeted for are implemented on time and help monitor progress. By scrutinising the development budget, it is possible to identify projects in your particular region or area and it is your duty to make sure that you put pressure on the line ministry to implement the budgeted projects in your particular area on time for the benefit of your community and yourself.

To do this effectively, you could set up implementation and monitoring committee. Failure by citizens to take active part in the implementation of budgeted projects has led to poor execution of the plan and funds deviated to other regions. Do not depend on your councillors should they be lazy to act, form a committee as concerned citizens representing your communities and deal with line ministries directly. The 2007/08 budget allocates N$2.1 billion for development budget and these funds are distributed to all 13 regions on the basis of projects submitted and size of population. I now look at some of the projects in the regions that could benefit your business or your community.

1. Caprivi Regional: A total amount of N$150 million was allocated to the Caprivi region for infrastructure development. Some projects that will benefit from this expenditure are the construction of police accommodation which receives N$4.5 million, Wenela Border Post gets N$5 million, aquaculture support N$6 million, Community Tourism Lodge construction gets N$20 million, Ngoma-Muyako road N$4 million, Air Control Tower N$4 million, Construction of Kopano Quarantine N$2 million, Kongola-Zambia road N$7 million, Zambezi Vocational college N$6 million, Caprivi College of Education N$2 million, construction of Caprivi Recreation Centre N$2.5 million, Renovation of Katima Mulilo Hospital N$5.5 million, youth resource centre N$2 million.

2. Kavango: A total amount of N$227 million is allocated to the Kavango Region for the following projects. Rundu-Elundu road upgrading N$92 million, green Scheme N$10.5 million, aquaculture projects N$6 million, Kamutjonga Fisheries Institute N$9 million, Tondoro-Kamupupu road N$3 million, Rupara/Muveve-Gcangcu N$2 million, Frans Dimbare N$4 million, Integrated grain storage N$2 million, Ndiyona police station N$6 million, Katwitwi Border Post N$8 million, construction of new secondary school at Ncaute N$4 million, new school in Sauyemwa N$3.5 million, Rundu College of Education renovation N$2million, Rundu Hospital upgrading N$2.5 million, Regional Council houses and offices construction N$4 million, Community Based Management N$2 million.

3. Erongo: A total amount of N$185 million is allocated to Erongo and the following projects are the beneficiaries. Walvis Bay Naval Bay construction N$14 million, Karibib Air Wing upgrading N$15 million, Rehabilitation of old houses N$5 million, Swakopmund, Omaruru & Walvis Bay hospital upgrading N$8 million, Omaruru Prison Centre N$9 million, Civil Aviation infrastructure & control center N$ 36 million, Okahandja-Karibib road rehabilitation N$37 million, land purchase N$6 million, rural poverty reduction programme N$7 million, upgrading NBC studios N$2.5 million.

4. Hardap: A total amount of N$95 million is allocated to this region supporting the following projects. Upgrading of police stations N$4 million, Regional Council sewerage upgrading N$24 million, Community Based Tourism N$21 million, green scheme N$2 million, land purchase programme N$6 million, rural poverty reduction programme N$8 million, research and development N$12 million.

5. Karas: A total amount of N$247 million is allocated to support the following projects. Staff accommodation at Noordoewer, Oranjemund, Luderitz, Ariamsvlei N$5 million, police houses & upgrading of police station N$5 million, Park upgrading N$6 million, green scheme N$49 million, upgrading of Aus-Luderitz railway line N$73 million, land purchase programme N$6 million, rural poverty reduction programme N$8 million.

6. Kunene: A total amount of N$258 million is allocated to this region to support the following projects. Renovation of police stations N$12 million, Khorixas District Hospital upgrading N$6.5 million, Kamanjab-Omakange road upgrading N$180 million, land purchase programme N$6 million, NBC upgrading N$4 million, rural poverty reduction programme N$8 million.

7. Ohangwena: An amount of N$213 million was allocated to this region to support the following projects. Rundu – Elundu road upgrading N$67 million, Regional offices & Workshop upgrading N$50 million, Research and development N$12 million, Eehnana Vocational Training Centre N$3.5 million, Eengedjo school N$3 million, Okongo Craft center construction N$2.5 million, rural pipeline construction N$13 million, joint Namibia-Angola bulk water supply N$7 million, rural poverty reduction programme N$8 million, Eenhana sports complex construction N$2 million, Eenhana multi-purpose youth centre N$3 million.

8. Omaheke: A total amount of N$141 million is allocated to this region to support the following projects. Construction of Epukiro-Eiseb gravel road N$60 million, Eiseb settlement – Gam construction N$10 million, Gobabis-Drimiopsis road upgrading N$11 million, upgrading of police stations N$4 million, research and development N$12 million, Aminuis community center construction N$1 million, land purchase programme N$6 million, rural poverty reduction programme N$8 million.

9. Omusati: An amount of N$113 million is allocated to this region to support the following projects. Construction of schools and upgrading of educational facilities N$15 million, research and development N$12 million, Outapi community library construction N$2 million, upgrading of Nuuyoma school N$2.5 million, upgrading of Tsandi hospital N$6 million, housing and office construction for regional council N$4 million, rural secondary pipeline construction N$19 million, sites and premises development N$8 million, aquaculture at Olushandja dam N$4 million, construction of oxidation ponds N$2 million, construction of Outapi Aerodrome N$2 million, Oshikuku-Okalalongo road upgrading N$1 million, rural poverty reduction programme N$8 million.

10. Oshana: A total amount of N$203 million is allocated to this region to support the following projects. Northern railway extension N$55 million, Oshakati High Court construction N$46 million, Omagongati labour-based construction N$9 million, upgrading of Ongwediva Hatchery N$4 million, grain storage N$2.5 million, rural pipeline construction N$4 million, construction of a school at Eheke N$6 million, Oshakati hospital extension N$10 million, upgrading of police stations N$6 million, rural poverty reduction programme N$8 million.

11. Oshikoto: An amount of N$147 million is allocated to this region to support the following projects. Oshivelo airfield N$25 million, Regional council housing and office construction N$17 million, Construction of Mangetti Quarantine Camp N$12 million, Scott Open rehabilitation farm N$9 million, land purchase programme N$6 million, research and development N$12 million, Oluno military base N$5 million, construction and upgrading of education facilities N$10 million, rural poverty reduction programme N$8 million, multipurpose cultural centre at Omuthiya N$5 million.

12. Otjozondjupa: This region receives an amount of N$121 million to support the following projects. Okahandja-Karibib road N$37 million, lower court upgrading N$9 million, rural pipe line construction N$4 million, land purchase programme N$6 million, Okakarara hospital upgrading N$5 million, research & development N$12 million, NBC upgrade N$3 million.