Trapping Rotterdam

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The Ombetja Yehinga Organisation Trust’s dance piece ‘Trapped’ will be presented in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, tomorrow.

Trapped, choreographed by Philippe Talavera, is a duet for three bodies who can’t co-exist, performed by El Junita Philander, Herman ‘Kassi’ Hausiku, Ilifa ‘Joe’ Nakapela and is 18 minutes.  ‘‘Trapped” investigates feelings when one of the two partners in a relationship doesn’t want to be in that relationship,” explains Talavera. ‘Many people question why gender-based violence is so prominent in Namibia. I think it is the wrong approach. The approach should be: why are so many people not happy in their relationships in Namibia? If you are happy with your life, if you love your partner, would you hurt her? Of course not! But if you feel you are in a relationship because you have to, conform to societal norms and feel trapped, then…’

‘Trapped’ will performed in Rotterdam on invitation by the Prince Claus Fund and WORM/Pantropical. The Prince Claus Fund supports, connects and celebrates artists and cultural practitioners where cultural expression is under pressure and safeguards cultural heritage where it is under threat. Pantropical is a frenzied concert/club series focusing on rough-edged tropical music, contemporary club music, outré rural folklore, global bass and more. Pantropical balances the new with the trailblazers of old, seeking out authenticity and new movements. “It is a great honour for OYO and for the three dancers selected,” explains Talavera. ‘It is a very progressive venue, something we don’t often see in Namibia. They will not only have a chance to perform but also see the work of others and connect with people around the world. This is extremely exciting.”

It is happening at the same time as the Windhoek International Dance Festival, spearheaded by the College of the Arts, where the rest of the OYO dance troupe will perform ‘I have a choice’, a more classical piece of physical theatre. “Working on ‘Trapped’ was exciting for me,” explains Talavera adding “as it caters for a different audience and I could therefore push the dancers beyond their comfort zone. I hope we will be able to also present the piece in Namibia at some stage.”

The OYO dance troupe, born in 2008, builds from the African concept of storytelling. It tells narrative stories without using words. It questions issues around gender, discrimination, HIV, teenage pregnancy. It talks to the heart, not the intellect, and encourages people to reflect on the situation presented and how it affects them.