Uis wants illegal mining gone

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Uis wants illegal mining gone

UIS – Uis residents have vowed to take matters into their own hands if illegal mining activities in and around the town are not stopped by government. 

In fact, many residents are now questioning the legitimacy of some lithium mines operating in their area. 

The residents claimed that some of the mining companies only have licences for semi-precious stones, yet are mining rare earth metals such as lithium. Others, they say, are conducting mining operations without environmental clearance certificates (ECCs) or blasting tickets, posing a risk and safety issue to both residents and the environment.

In a recent heated townhall meeting, residents demanded answers from mines and energy minister Tom Alweendo, who visited the Daures constituency to discuss issues raised about illegal mining activities.

Uis activist Jimmy Areseb accused the lithium miners of looting resources in Uis, alleging that they are using falsified paperwork. He demanded that a proper investigation be conducted and the activities be stopped until issues around the mines are cleared up.


Documentation irregularities

Areseb stated that a Chinese mining company, Xingfeng, only has a pending exclusive exploration licence (EPL) application for claim 8843, which is in the Uis area, as well as an active mining licence on EPL 243 and a pending renewal EPL for 7228 in the Okombahe/Omaruru area.

However, he said the company wrote a letter to the Traditional Authority to be granted consent on EPL 8397, which belongs to Orange River Investment. Orange River Investment also has a pending ECC application.

Areseb added that Orange River Investment was granted consent on two mining claims (70515 and 70516), which he asserted belong to Townland Investment, but are in EPL 7248 that belong to Mount Brandberg Mining. Long Fire Investment has 10 mining claims for semi-precious stones.

“These claims have been pegged for semi-precious stones only. However, the owner wrote a letter on 21 July to remove lithium and rare earth metals from his commodities. Yet, the ECC they received after the request allows them access to mine lithium,” he continued.

According to him, the ECC is also only given for the Okombahe reserve, and not for Uis.

“In addition, EPL 8397 that belongs to Orange River exploration and mining has a pending ECC, while the EPL in which these 10 claims overlap belongs to Hopson Lithium Mining. 

The latter is also still in the application process, and does not have any mining plan and blasting tickets. Yet, he stated “the company goes along with its operations as if everything is normal”. 

Therefore, these irregularities need to be investigated to prove these operations are legal.

“Let the minister present us with the relevant documents. We want to see all their exclusive prospecting licences, mining claims, environmental clearance and assessment reports with meetings held with stakeholders and affected parties,” Areseb demanded. He likewise requested to see documents such as export permits, including the quantity of minerals to be exported, as well as consent from conservancy and traditional authorities. 

The mines and energy minister said after the discussions that the concerns of Uis residents are genuine, and that the ministry will launch an investigation into the allegations made.

“We are here to get a better understanding of the problem. I believe that we can only resolve it if we fully understand the issue,” Alweendo responded. He added that he will not protect anyone who is not following the law.

“If there is proof of any illegal activity and the finding states so, we will take the necessary steps,” the minister said.

He then extended an invitation to the concerned group’s committee to engage the ministry to consult on the allegations and concerns they raised.

– edeklerk@nepc.com.na