
Unam student motivates the Grade 10s and 12s

Home Archived Unam student motivates the Grade 10s and 12s

The time has come; the time is right in front of you, no more around the corner; it’s exactly at your door step.

You are within it (examination). You didn’t sensed the months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds running down on you. Yes it is time for question papers and pens, the time to plough back. The very time to prove what you have harvested over the years.

A warm greeting to everyone especially the Grade 10 and 12 candidates, this is dedicated entirely to you. I am writing just to say that I am supporting you in my prayers and in my best wishes that I am with you and I am reminding you that the time has indeed come for great  performances.       I am not going to stress this time on studying hard as the time of stressing about it lapse. This is the rightful time to ensure you that you can make it and that you will excel.


Grade 12s you are undeniably honoured for corning this far, I know there have been a lot of obstacles along this 12 or plus years of education journey. But today my most appreciated products of the land of the brave you have proven that you are victorious, because you never back down and dropped out of school, you indeed continued persistently to the very last. You have proven to your parents, your teachers, your honoured principals, your community and to the whole nation that by reaching till your final exams  you are already winners. Don’t get too excited the race had  not  yet finished, these last weeks of examination will feeI like it’s only the start of an education journey,      but you are almost there to finish off the first part of it. I have been there and many out there have also passed through the very same pace you are passing through now and I know how it feels and because of it I can assure you that everything will turn out good with the grace and support of Christ.


Remember that I truly support you wholeheartedly on this race, your teachers, parents and the whole community is behind you. Grade 12s and 10s be vigilant to run this few more steps of the race with a positive and excelling attitude and I guarantee that it won’t go erroneous. What I am literally saying is  make use  of this time in between the exams to prepare yourself  effectively because you only have this one chance to do it and do it right. Use your time well and productively because this day, the present, is really all you have, as the saying goes as you live your days, so you live your life. Do not waste one of them. The past is history and the future is but a figment.

I want to leave you with part of the last motivational speech that was dedicated to the Grade 12s and l0s of 2012 by our most honoured, beloved and successful human being, our  late Dr Abraham Iyambo. I so wanted to thank him on this final words he left us with, but unfortunately I couldn’t, because it was too late. May his soul rest in eternal peace. However in his absence I will make sure that his words stay animated and that it will still be heard and seen by every eye and ear that sees and hears. The very words that inspired me to do the very best in my examination,       which most definitely I agree with, and therefore I quote: “Believe me when I say that no matter whether you study under a candle light, a tree, a probably set study room or have to walk long distances, the very result of your succes depends on your willingness and deep desire to become SOMEBODY. Your hard work and eagerness to make it to the top is the very ticket you need to conquer the odds of this world”.


Grade l2s and 10s believe me when I say that you can indeed make it through and that you will pass, because you are packed or rather pregnant with potential. Set free your innate strength and spread to reach for the very top like an eagle reaching the topmost. I beg of you don’t limit yourself; many might limit themselves to what they think they can do. I am telling you that today you can go as much as your mind lets you, because you’re the master of your thoughts; moulder of your character and maker and shaper of your success with the help of Christ definitely. Keep it in your thoughts when you are writing that whatever your hands find to do, do it with all might and let the light of the future and current leaders of the LAND OF THE BRAVE

Sparkle glowingly without   dimming for once.



Fousy Jaar

Proud product of the Land of the brave (Unam)