Uncommon sense – The dark side of individualism

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Uncommon sense – The dark side of individualism

Individualism is a philosophical and social movement that emphasises the importance of individual freedom and self-reliance. It is a concept that has been celebrated for centuries and championed as the symbol of a modern, progressive society. However, despite its many advantages, individualism has a darker side, which has been largely ignored in the mainstream discourse.

The dark side of individualism is mainly rooted in its excessive focus on individual rights and freedoms at the expense of communal responsibility and social harmony. The first and the most obvious consequence of individualism is its promotion of self-importance. When individuals are inspired to put their interests above those of the community and their country, they become less concerned with the needs and welfare of others. This can result in a lack of empathy, a disregard for the well-being of others, and a general lack of concern for the common purpose.

Furthermore, individualism can produce a sense of entitlement and superiority, where individuals believe they deserve special and better treatment and privileges based solely on their merit, be it real or imagined. This can lead to a sense of entitlement, and a lack of appreciation for the contributions of others.

Another dark side of individualism is its inclination to create social isolation and disaffection. This is because people are encouraged to pursue their own goals and interests, regardless of how they impact others. This can lead to disconnection and being out of touch with the masses. When individuals also become too focused on their own needs and interests only, they may begin to view others as a threat to their well-being, leading to a lack of trust and an increase in social tension.

Additionally, pursuing individual goals and aspirations at any expense can often lead to disregarding the environment and the natural world. In this instance, nature is often seen as a resource to be exploited rather than a precious ecosystem that needs to be protected. The pursuit of profit and growth often takes priority over environmental concerns, and the long-term consequences of this kind of thinking can be catastrophic to all.

Moreover, when individuals are encouraged to pursue their own goals and interests, regardless of how they impact others, it can lead to a highly competitive and hierarchical society. Those who are successful are often viewed as deserving of their success, while those who are not are seen as lacking in some fundamental way. This can lead to a highly-stratified society, where collective social growth is limited, and the gap between the rich and poor continues to widen. Finally, individualism can also lead to a lack of civic engagement and political apathy. In the pursuit of individual interests above all else, people become disengaged from the political process and the wider community. This can result in a lack of political participation, a lack of interest in social issues, and a general lack of concern for the common good. In the worst cases, it can result in a lack of accountability for those in power and a breakdown of true democracy.

While individualism has its place in society, it must be balanced with a sense of community, empathy and concern for the common good. It is up to everyone to reflect on their values and actions, and strive to find a balance between personal freedom and social responsibility.

In the end, it is only through a collective effort that we can build a more just and equitable society that values both individual rights and social responsibility. We must recognise the dark side of individualism, and work towards creating a more balanced and compassionate world.



*Uncommon Sense is published in the New Era with contributions from Karlos Naimhwaka.