
Up close with Hazel Hinda

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Up close with Hazel Hinda

  Jaenique Swartz 


Award-winning actress Hazel Hinda sat down with VIBEZ! to discuss her recent work in the film industry and current projects. 

The leading lady is no newcomer to the entertainment industry, having walked away with the gong of best actress in a supporting role in the film, Hairareb, in 2021. 

Hinda has paved the way for herself with her consistent hard work, dedication and love for the performing arts.  

“My career started as an extramural activity when I was around nine or 10 years old, because my mother did not think it was a good idea to be coming home after school – just to play in the street until the streetlights came on. So, she enrolled me at the College of the Arts to do drama and ballet. Of course, from my first drama class, I knew I found a place where I belonged. It has been my path of purpose ever since”. 

The starlet has really cemented herself to be recognised as a household name before her captivating performances in four out of 13 films premiering on DStv under the creative leadership of MultiChoice Namibia and the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC). 

Hinda reflected that this executive decision was a first-of-its-kind opportunity, where so many films received funding and were being released at the same time. 

So, the exposure the Namibian film industry is receiving from this is monumental. 

“I think what needs to be understood is that this is a career – my profession. We are not such a large pool of actors, nor are we a big industry. Hence, we will appear in more than one film. This is not just the case for the actors, but for the technical team as well,” she informed.

“Believe it or not, I had to turn down roles simply because I really didn’t want to overstretch my presence. I also balanced it out by taking on different roles. I did one lead, two supporting roles and one cameo.” 

When Hinda is not in front of the screens, she finds herself committing to her bachelor’s degree in communications studies at the Namibia University of Science and Technology, and being a full-time mother to her two-year-old daughter. 

“I was producing and directing an industrial theatre piece with Liberty Life Namibia, which ended recently. I am currently working on producing and directing a radio drama in collaboration with NBC”.

The art of performing is no easy task, but loving what you do is essential, as Hinda states that she puts in work behind the scenes to ensure she puts on a compelling performance. 

“It is a lot of work because you must prepare yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and psychologically, and then also know the lines off by heart. I start by reading the whole script because I need to understand how my character fits into it. Then I break it down into their motives and intentions in the story.” 

Moreover, Hinda says her script becomes the roadmap to deliver the best version of the character with the director’s vision, as it takes time and dedication to portray a believable character. 

Asked what advice she would give to aspiring actors, Hinda did not hold back. 

“This is not a get-famous-quickly path. When fame dies, dedication pulls you through. You must be ready to pay your dues.” 

“I always advise that aspiring and established actors keep sharpening their craft. The opportunities do not always come easy, so when they do, grab them with both hands, and be professional and diligent in your craft. Lastly, treat it as a career and not a side hustle,” she added. – jaeniqueswartz@icloud.com 


