Venaani in //Karas to thank voters

Home International Venaani in //Karas to thank voters


DTA president McHenry Venaani is in the //Karas Region to thank supporters and party members for a job well done during the 2014/15 elections.
The visit to the southern region is aimed at thanking voters who turned up in significant numbers to vote for his party during the 2014 Presidential and National Assembly elections, as well as the 2015 Regional Council and Local Authority elections.
The thanksgiving tour commenced at Aroab on Monday and will last throughout the week, with the DTA leader scheduled to hold public meetings at Bethanie, Tses, Berseba and Keetmanshoop.
The party’s director of operations, Reggie Diergaardt, told New Era that the visit is a follow-up to last year’s elections, aimed at thanking voters who took the time and effort to turn up and vote for the party.
He said during the visits Venaani plans to engage community members through a number of public meetings in order to hear the challenges facing them and to discuss various related issues.
He further said the trip would also serve as preparation for the 2019 elections, noting that the DTA feels it is important to start preparations early. Educating voters will also be a key feature of the public meetings, he said.
“A lot of voters informed us that they wanted to vote for the DTA, but they were not registered, so we feel it’s our responsibility to teach them about the importance of this,” Diergaardt explained.
He said the party did very well in the 2014 Presidential and National Assembly elections, as well as the 2015 Regional Council and Local Authority elections, and thus it is only befitting that the leadership takes time to thank those that made it possible.
“We did well in the last elections and we feel we owe it to them to say thank you,” he stated.
Diergaardt further indicated that the first public meeting held at Aroab was encouraging, describing it as a very vibrant meeting, as community members turned up in numbers to engage the DTA leader.
He said the party is already gearing up for the 2019 elections and this is one of the many ways in which the party is preparing, saying: “We are already putting our house in order for 2019.”
He further called on all DTA supporters and interested persons, including non-supporters, to attend the public meetings and engage the DTA president in person.