
Wetlands commemoration in Outapi

Home National Wetlands commemoration in Outapi

WINDHOEK – Namibia will commemorate World Wetlands Day and World Water Day 2014 at Outapi in the Omusati Region from March 26 to March 27 under the theme ‘Integrating Water, Food and Energy for Improved Livelihood.’

In Namibia, World Wetlands Day is commemorated to raise awareness and promote the wise use of our wetland resources, as well as to draw attention to the values and benefits from our wetlands and to enhance people’s understanding of wetlands and their shared responsibilities. World Wetlands Day is celebrated throughout the world on the February 2, to mark the signing of the Convention on Wetlands (also known as the Ramsar Convention) in 1971 in the Iranian City of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Namibia signed and acceded to the convention on December 23, 1995 and designated four wetland areas, as Wetlands of International Importance or Ramsar Sites. These are the mouth of the Orange River, Sandwich Harbour, the Walvis Bay Lagoon and the Etosha Pan. Designation is based on the diversity and numbers of water birds the wetland supports.

In December 2013 Namibia designed its fifth Ramsar site the Bwabwata-Okavanga Ramsar site in the Bwabwata National Park in the Kavango East Region. This year has been designated the International Year of Family Farming by the United Nations. In support of the UN Year of Family Farming, World Wetlands Day 2014 will be celebrated under the theme Wetlands and Agriculture with the slogan “Wetlands and Agriculture: Partners for Growth.” The theme highlights the interaction between wetlands and agriculture, and the need for cooperation between the sectors involved.


By Staff Reporter