Women in business gather for annual conference in Ongwediva

Home National Women in business gather for annual conference in Ongwediva

WINDHOEK – Women at the helm of entrepreneurship in all sectors are crucial as they contribute to economic growth and aid in creating a diverse innovative workforce. To encourage and celebrate this factor, the 20th Economist Businesswoman North Conference took place in Ongwediva last week.

The annual one-day conference seeks to equip women who are starting, expanding or working to improve their businesses with the tools they need to move their businesses and careers forward by generating new ideas, making new connections and exploring new opportunities.

Among the speakers who shared their knowledge with the women in attendance at the conference was Standard Bank’s Head of Marketing, Communication and Corporate Social Investment, Magreth Mengo, who spoke on the importance of a positive customer experience and how this grows clientele
She also shared her experience on how to handle difficult situations in organisations, how best to serve customers and the power of creating relationships with each customer which will keep them coming back.

Additional speakers included Telecom Namibia’s Albertina Sumaili, FNB’s Nangula Kauluma, Afra Shimming-Chase of Chase & Associates, Namibia Business Innovation Institute’s Silas Newaka, PowerCom’s Alisa Amupolo and lawyer Petrine Hango.

“I was pleasantly overwhelmed by this congregation of intelligent, innovative and business savvy women who attended the event because they have truly embodied the spirit of unity to empower each other with the necessary skills to excel in their entrepreneurial exploits,” Mengo said of the conference at its cocktail event later that evening.

She stressed that the Economist Business Woman Conference North is an embodiment of the statemen, “When you educate a woman, you educate a nation; this is because women are inherently built to nurture and aid in the growth of their communities.”

Pointing out that nobody reaches the top alone in business, Mengo urged to the women in business to stick together, encourage each other, and share their skills and knowledge to ensure each other’s success.

“We have embarked on a journey to break the glass ceiling, it’s going to be a long and strenuous one, and we might be tempted to give up, but in those moments of weakness just remember that we can do it together, if we continue to show the commitment we have shown here today,” she concluded.