
Youth grapple with high unemployment

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ONGWEDIVA – With the increased unemployment rate in the country, many young people want to see more jobs created by the next government.

At the moment, the country is harshly faced by the scarcity of jobs, which is also affecting young tertiary graduates.

As a result, the country has in recent times witnessed peaceful demonstrations by unemployed graduates demanding for jobs.

Nursing graduates recently also marched for jobs.
To respond to the shortage of personnel in the health sector, government assured that the creation for more than 4 000 positions is in the pipeline.

However, many Namibians are struggling to access job opportunities in both the public and private sectors. 

A resident of Ongwediva, Josef Endjala said the status quo is disheartening and appeals to the next government to create more vocational training centres to absorb those who do not meet the requirements to universities.

In addition to the increased vocational centres, Endjala appeals to government to create a market for the vocational graduates, saying that many return home after completing their trade course and continue to be unemployed.

Unlike many youths who indicated that they would not vote because they are not happy with the current trend of events, Endjala maintained that it was important to vote for a leader of ones choice.
Many unemployed youth New Era engaged indicated that they would shy away from the polling stations.
Earlier this year, more than 12 000 tertiary students who on the onset could not secure loans from Namibia Students Financial Assistance (Nasfaf) also threatened not to vote during the demonstrations held across the country.

Funds to the left-out students were only allocated at a later stage.
David Kamati also yearns for employment.

He said the percentage of those without jobs and an income continues to grow.
“The employment created could not match the large number entering the job seekers market and to worsen the situation, unemployment mostly affect the youth,” said Kamati.

Amongst the parties that recently launched their manifesto, All People’s Party (APP) as well as the Popular Democratic Party (PDM) have promised to focus on agriculture as a means to create jobs.
APP promised to give smallholdings to people residing in rural areas in order to produce food for themselves as well as for the market.

PDM on the other hand promised to revitalise employment in the agricultural sector, this the PDM envisage to do by building desalination plants in Walvis Bay, Kunene and Lüderitz.

The sole independent candidate in this year’s upcoming election vowed to prioritise the youth as they are the hardest hit by unemployment.