
148 000 grant applications rejected

Home Front Page News 148 000 grant applications rejected

Edgar Brandt

The Ministry of Finance says it is carrying out data reconciliation to verify whether the rejection of more than 148 000 applicants for the emergency income grant (EIG) is justified. 
As of this week Monday, close to 579 000 EIG applications were received of which over 234 300 were approved, translating into N$176.76 million.
“Several potential beneficiaries were put on hold or temporarily rejected and the payment could not be done, pending the verification at the regional level. These are mainly multiple applications from the same cellphone number,” explained finance ministry spokesperson Tonateni Shidhudhu.

 “The decision was taken to curb fraudulent applications and to ensure that no qualifying beneficiary is left out. We are busy engaging the regional governors in this regard.” He noted that the finance ministry will establish a special desk to assist those who were rejected on the basis of appearing on the tax register, saying: “the plan is being worked out and an announcement will be made soon”. For the moment, Shidhudhu advised people to remain home and not to go to constituency councillors just yet until new modalities are in place. 
“You will be notified via SMS to reapply again. This is the same with those rejected on the basis of being in the tax register. Give us time, you will be notified on the way forward,” read a notice on the ministry’s social media.  
The EIG forms part of the N$8.1 billion economic stimulus package announced by government to confront the coronavirus economic fallout. 
The entire package is expected to go a long way in assisting formal and informal businesses directly affected by the virus lockdown measures. Government says it will provide a wage subsidy of N$400 million to aid businesses in keeping employees on board in the travel, tourism, aviation and construction sectors. 
The stimulus package also comprises N$5.9 billion as direct support to businesses, households and cash flow acceleration payments for services rendered to government, as well as N$2.3 billion of additional support, guaranteed by government but off the balance sheet of government liabilities to support loan uptake on preferential terms by businesses and individuals.  – ebrandt@nepc.com.na