
Eenhana Battle Lines Drawn

Home Archived Eenhana Battle Lines Drawn

By Catherine Sasman


Tomorrow’s regional by-election at Eenhana Constituency in the Ohangwena region is bound to be a watershed event. The by-election for the first time pits the Swapo Party against the Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP).

It is the second time that the two parties are contending for a rural vote, after the failed local authority election at Omuthiya in February.

All indications are that the Eenhana election will take place without the controversies that marked the Omuthiya non-starter.

According to Theo Mujoro of the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN), none of the contending political parties for the Eenhana election – the Swapo Party, RDP and the Congress of Democrats (CoD) – have raised any objections to the voters list of 8??????’??