
San in Row with Kilus

Home Archived San in Row with Kilus

By Kuvee Kangueehi


A San-speaking woman, Kapata Tjitoma Nguvauva, who was raised by late Chief Munjuku Nguvauva is planning to lay a complaint against the Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Kilus Nguvauva, before the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare after he allegedly chased her from home.

Kapata has been living at the late chief’s homestead for more than 20 years and became part of the Nguvauva family when her mother started working for the chief in 1978.

Speaking to New Era yesterday, Kapata said the deputy minister started to mistreat her a few months before the chief passed away. She alleged that he had wanted to chase her away but was scared that Nguvauva senior would not condone the action.

She said the deputy minister started accusing her of making noise, and even asked her how she ended up being a member of the Nguvauva family when she is a San.

Kapata, who is a mother of three, said she could no longer take the verbal abuse and insults from the deputy minister and dismantled her house after Nguvauva threatened to take it down himself.

With winter fast approaching, Kapata says she has nowhere to go. She has no money, she says, because she has been working without an income for the Nguvauva family because the late chief considered her a family member.

Kapata said she is disappointed at the treatment she is getting from the deputy minister considering that she has dedicated her entire life to serving the Nguvauva family. She said she took care of the late chief and his first wife when they were ill.

“I travelled with the first wife of the late chief to Windhoek when she was very ill and I nursed her at home until she passed away.”

Kapata, who is in her early thirties, said she also used to feed the late chief when he was ill and did the laundry for him and other chores without remuneration.

She was, however, quick to add that the late chief provided everything for her from food, clothes and toiletries but the deputy minister who is now in charge of the Nguvauva household has not given her anything since the chief passed away.

Kapata says she has nowhere to go because her mother who also worked for the late chief passed away and left her in the care of the late chief. The Nguvauvas are the only family she knows.

The woman said she was advised by people at the village to approach the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare for assistance.

Approached for comment, the deputy minister denied that he chased Kapata away and said he only complained about the noise she makes and advised her to move her house a bit far from the main homestead.

The deputy minister claimed that the allegations by Kapata are part of a smear campaign against him because members of the Ovambanderu Concerned Group do not want him to succeed his father as the new chief.

He said the Concerned Group claim that he was born out of wedlock and thus cannot become a chief. He said Kapata is being influenced by this group.

Nguvauva said he was aware that Kapata is planning to approach the Deputy Prime Minister Dr Libertina Amathila, and other ministries to complain about him.