
Namibian trucker nabbed for trafficking two DRC teens

Home National Namibian trucker nabbed for trafficking two DRC teens

WINDHOEK – A 36-year-old truck driver appeared in Katima Mulilo Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday for allegedly trafficking two teenagers from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) into the country on Saturday.
The children are a 13-year-old girl and 16-year-old boy. The suspect is identified as Chris Mujani. 

Mujani was denied bail and his case postponed to October 10. According to Namibian Police spokesperson Edwin Kanguatjivi, the truck driver was intercepted at Katima Mulilo border post on Saturday. 

Kanguatjivi said the minors are currently in a safe house in the care of the Namibian police. New Era learnt that the minors were allegedly to be delivered at Osire refugee camp but it turned out that no one at the camp knows the children nor do the children know the people at the camp. 

In an unrelated matter, police in Zambezi Region also arrested 135 foreigners of whom 128 are Zambian nationals and seven Congolese for varying reasons. 

Kanguatjivi said the seven Congolese applied for political asylum and are still here. Of the 128 Zambians, Kanguatjivi said only those who were not found with contraband will be deported because their only crime is illegal entry into the country.   

He added that some foreigners were found in possession of drugs and their cases needed to be finalised first before being deported to their countries of origin.