ICT ministry reaches out at Omuthiya 

Home Front Page News ICT ministry reaches out at Omuthiya 

Elina-Ombili Shishaki

OMUTHIYAGWIIPUNDI- Incorrectly filling in a government job application form has disqualified many applicants from being awarded a job interview.

The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is mandated to ensure unhindered access to information for an informed nation through information dissemination. 

The Oshikoto regional office in Omuthiya conducted a two-day information sharing session on how to effectively fill in a government job application form. 

“It is quite surprising to know that many people do not fill in the form accurately. And these simple mistakes unfortunately disqualify so many of us from being shortlisted. As part of our mandate, we decided to share this information with the youth as well as introduce them to the new version of the form,” said Paulina Moses from the ICT ministry.

One of the attendees, Johanna Peter, an IUM graduate from Onamulele village applauded the ministry on this initiative, saying that she has learnt a lot from the session. 

“I have been unemployed for five years now. I think I have not been doing well in the case of government job applications. Now that I have gained skills from the presentation made by the officials, I believe I could do better.  Not only that but I have also obtained new skills on how I should conduct job interviews,” said Peter. She further urged people to always visit government offices to get the right information. 

Despite the well noted excellence in the presentation delivery from the officials, it was disappointing to see a low turn-out. “The turn out was very poor and I believe that it was due to the back-to-school season. Many had errands to run with lots of responsibilities to be carried out, time couldn’t permit them,” said Aune Vaino. 
She also highlighted that a lack of knowledge within the youth and limited resources to acquire information is one of the key factors that was tackled during the sessions. It has been said that Namibia is a non-reading society hence, Vaino narrated that most people prefer being taught through such sessions as opposed to reading. “It is always good to attend such meetings because it impacts us with greater knowledge and understandings,”she stressed.

Besides information on how to fill in a government job application form, officials also presented on how to apply for financial assistance for those planning to pursue their studies at higher learning institutions through Namibia Student Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) as well as tips on how to ace in a job interview, specifically about the Situation Task Action Result (STAR) technique used in competency job interviews.