
I don’t have hatred against my predecessor – Ya Ndakolo

Home National I don’t have hatred against my predecessor – Ya Ndakolo

Obrein Simasiku

OMUTHIYA – The new regional governor for Oshikoto, Penda Ya Ndakolo, says he does not harbour any hate or ill-feelings against his predecessor Henock Kankoshi, who could not make it to the handover of office keys as Ya Ndakolo assumed duty.
It was stated at the meeting that Kankoshi was unable to attend because he was at Ohahati village, a remote area in Eenghodi constituency. As a result, Martin Ndengu, the control administrator in the office of the governor, handed over the keys. 
“I am not in a position to give any remarks because I was caught off-guard, neither did I prepare any speech; I would just want to welcome the new governor. I worked with him before and I will continue to do so. In the same vein, I will tender apology because the former governor is somewhere far and couldn’t join us today,” stated Ndengu. 
Ya Ndakolo shared these remarks when queried about the strained relationship between the two, as they hardly see-eye-to-eye. New Era is reliably informed by sources the handover was supposed to take place last week but could not because the outgoing governor has refused to be part of the ceremony, saying he had nothing to do with the office anymore.
In addition, among other reasons they stated was that Kankoshi claimed he was not welcomed when he assumed duty in 2015. As such, he opted Ya Ndakolo returns in the same manner that he had left. 
Ya Ndakolo reaffirmed having heard such reasoning but he was quick to distance himself from the tit-for-tat. “He didn’t even tender any formal apology as to why he couldn’t. But anyway, that is fine. What matters now is that I am back in office and work should start,” said the former defence minister, whose appointment as governor was seen as a demotion.
He, in the same vein, implored councillors to work together and put aside their political differences, as it was against the concept of development. 
“I am relying on all of you councillors and local authorities, including the community at large, to work together so that we take this region to greater heights through development, irrespective of your political affiliation,” he stressed. 
Furthermore, he defended his appointment, saying he did not beg for the job but he was rather appointed by the Head of State – and as such, he is carrying out the task as mandated. 
“I was appointed to serve in this capacity; its’ not as if I begged to be here. It’s a responsibility I accepted as per the President’s wish. Therefore, I request for cooperation from everyone,” he stated.
Penda is not new to the office; he served in that capacity for 10 years before being appointed as the minister of defence in 2015. He also served as regional councillor for Omuthiya constituency for close to two decades.
Efforts to get comments from Kankoshi proved futile, as his mobile phone went 