FYM goes online

Home Lifestyle FYM goes online

Free Your Mind (FYM) has decided to get on the bandwagon of going digital, as the pandemic has hampered gatherings under stage three regulations.
Founders of the show Ndemufayo Kaxuxuena and Gabriel Amadhila told Entertainment Now! that it is a pleasure to have been the first Namibian entertainment company to host a comedy show online.
‘’We were not quite sure how it would turn out because, with comedy, the performers rely heavily on the audience’s reactions. So, we really had to have complete and full trust in our content. It was a great experience; in fact, we really liked the format. We also had a small gamble by putting first-timers on the stage, but it really turned well,” the duo said.

Since their contract with the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) came to an end last year, the team has taken it upon themselves to keep producing content online for their loyal clients.
The first show, which premiered last week, has presented new opportunities for creating something new, fresh and different styles of presenting the show. 
‘’The comments were very positive, and this has been the widest reach since we started in 2008. Though the show was recorded last week, we are still enjoying a rise in audience numbers online. The market is wide open and we can also reach out to our friends across the seas and continental Africa. You can read the thoughts of your audiences in real time, and this makes it relatively easy to meet their expectations in the long run,’’ Amadhila said.
Kaxuxuena further said most people who knew about the FYM brand never knew what it was about but they now have the opportunity to check it out at the click of a button. 

Plans are underway to explore online streaming, as well as to expand and upscale their infrastructure to make competitive needs. 
‘’We will be exploring a more theatrical approach, with some standup in between. Though remaining competitive and relevant is a huge investment on our part, we are looking forward to finding ways and means in which we can monetise our online distribution channels. The pandemic has simply prepared us for the new normal where the digital age will take the lead in innovation. We aim to utilise the opportunities that present themselves in the midst of tragedy. FYM is surely going to be a progressive part of the new normal, and our position will be established by our high-quality productions,’’ he expressed. 
The organisation is working on the roast of King Teedee, which will be taking place on the 17 September. At the same time, they will also be launching a short sketch comedy series that will premiere on the same day.

‘’These events are aimed at aligning our clients and audiences with the new platforms that we are stepping into. The Roast, itself, will be a live stream; it’s important to note that we will be keeping our live show at the Brewer`s Market once everything has settled down. Our main focus is on our digital migration and you can expect much in that regard,’’ they detailed.
They further encouraged all comedy and performing arts enthusiasts who have an interest in performing on the FYM stage to contact them on their WhatsApp number: 0814157409.
– slunyangwe@nepc.com.na