No qualified Khoekhoegowab teachers at Otjivero

Home Education No qualified Khoekhoegowab teachers at Otjivero

Omitara – The absence of qualified teachers at the Otjivero Primary School in Omitara is not making the learning process any easier.

The principal of Otjivero Primary School, Rebecca Heita, said on Tuesday that the school does not have qualified teachers for Khoekhoegowab (Damara-Nama), which is the medium of instruction at the school.

There are unqualified teachers teaching other subjects, but the situation is not as bad as it is with Khoekhoegowab. Heita explained that the unqualified teachers are inducted in order to fit into the system.

But that in itself is not enough as they need years of training to become professional teachers. The teachers have to re-apply each year and the school has to look for replacements for those who do not reapply.

Furthermore, Heita said even after teaching vacancies were advertised this year many unqualified teachers applied again. “It really affects the children, because those Grade 12 teachers are also just learners,” said Heita. The Grade 1, 2 and 3 classes are most affected by this, she added.

“There are unqualified teachers in other disciplines, but not like Khoekhoegowab,” Heita said.

The chief public relations in the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, Johanna Absalom, explained yesterday that the ministry is working on addressing the problem of unqualified and under-qualified teachers in the country.

She said the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture is working on a project proposal, in consultation with the Ministry of Higher Education and Innovation, to mobilise funds for a remedial upgrading programme for unqualified and under-qualified teachers.

Statistics from the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture indicate that there were 4 208 unqualified and under-qualified teachers working for the ministry.

Absalom noted that it is likely that this number has increased. “The shortage of teachers is of great concern to the ministry, especially at lower primary school level,” Absalom confirmed.

by Alvine Kapitako