Hunting season for game approved

Home National Hunting season for game approved

Albertina Nakale

Windhoek-Minister of Environment and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta, on Friday, announced this year’s hunting period.
The hunting season runs from May 1 to August 31 in the case of commercial farms of not less than 1,000 hectares, which are enclosed with registered game-proof fences, and on registered conservancies where quotas have been approved for huntable game species. Game would also be hunted from June 1 to July 31 in the case of commercial farms not less than 1,000 hectares in size, which are enclosed with normal livestock fence.

The hunting season enables members of the public to hunt certain species of game on the invitation of a farm owner, lessee of a farm or a registered conservancy.

The huntable game birds, Shifeta said, may be hunted by virtue of a written permission of the owner or lessee of a farm, or piece of land, the size in extent of not less than 1,000 hectares and which is enclosed with at least an adequate fence, and within the boundaries of registered conservancies with the written permission from the
conservancy committee.

Hunting periods have been determined according to non-breeding times.
Shifeta stressed that no person shall hunt more than one Kudu during the hunting season.
He also announced that no person shall hunt in total more than one or other combination of numbers as specified above, of huntable game animals per hunting season. Such limitations do not apply in the case where permission is granted for the hunting of game animals on a farm, which is enclosed with a registered game-proof fence.
Large game species consist of kudu and or Oryx and or Red Hartebeest while mall game species consist of springbok and or warthog.

According to Shifeta, prior permission from the Directorate of Veterinary Services in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry is required to transport warthog or part of warthog from the land where it was obtained; and for any game meat or product of game meat or game birds or products of game birds to be exported from Namibia.
The Directorate of Veterinary Services does not allow game meat to be transported from north of the veterinary cordon fence.

“The Namibian Police Force will not allow the import of any automatic firearm or any handgun by visiting hunters, and such firearm may not be used for hunting,” he said.

He maintained the importation of hunting rifles for the hunting of huntable game and shotguns for the hunting of huntable game birds will only be allowed on the presentation by the hunter of a letter of invitation from the farm owner, lessee or conservancy committee where the hunt will take place.
He added it is the responsibility of the relevant owner, lessee or committee to fax or mail an invitation letter to the hunter.

A permit fee of N$100 shall apply for each permit.
“Hunting permits cannot be used to take horns (trophies) out of Namibia. No such export may take place without prior permission from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism,” Shifeta said.