Model Hatago empowers young women

Home Lifestyle Model Hatago empowers young women

Pinehas Nakaziko

Windhoek-Not long after 20-year-old Hatago /Uises won the Miss Petite Power Woman 2017, the determined wannabe actress says she is currently working on some projects to empower young women through her title.
She won the Miss Petite Power Woman 2017 at the Catalonia Beach Resort in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

For now, her pageant committee has assigned her to fundraise, make appearances at youth events and give motivational speeches, but most importantly to stay a role model for young people.

“I am grateful to have an international title, but this is the first pageant I took part, and I see my winning the category as a blessing and I am indeed fortunate to represent Namibia,” Hatago says.

She adds that currently she is busy using social media to change the lives of young women, because it is a great platform to use right now, simply because many young people are more often than not on social media.

  “I have a lot on my mind in terms of projects I would love to engage in for the empowerment of young Namibians, especially the women. For now I am just working on it,” she says politely.

Currently based in Mumbai in India, Hatago is busy with her bachelor’s degree in acting at Whistling Woods International acting school.

She says the international pageant was not just any pageant, but they participated in different activities such as shooting a reality television show about young women and everything surrounding the pageant.

“I will be one of the main characters on the reality show, which will air on Comcast in the United States of America early next year,” Hatago says.

She adds that for now they are just busy with postproduction.