Swanu calls for universal healthcare

Home Front Page News Swanu calls for universal healthcare

Kuzeeko Tjitemisa

Windhoek-Swanu president Tangeni Iijambo has called for the establishment of a universal government-run health plan whereby all Namibians would enjoy a socialized healthcare system.

Addressing the media for the first time in months, Iijambo said if conditions are made conducive for people to expand mentally, physically and psychologically, a healthy, thriving nation would become inevitable.

“The country has witnessed the constantly deteriorating situation of our healthcare system – insufficient drugs for all, a separate system for the well-to-do [from] the majority masses,” he said at a press conference held in Windhoek on Tuesday.

“All Namibians must be registered with a medical aid and not just the current 16 percent elitist and segregator system,” he stressed.

Iijambo said that due to the subjugation that most Namibians underwent, a kind of national counselling, rehabilitation and restoration is needed.

Furthermore, Iijambo also touched on the issue of education, saying “considering the country’s abundant resources and the small population of roughly 2.3 million, Swanu of Namibia envisages uncompromised, complete funding of the sector.”

“Emphasis with reflexive system concentration will be placed on vocational training in all its various dimensions,” he said, adding that regardless of all discriminatory aspects, quality education must ultimately entail people, particularly youth, empowerment.

He said social-mental, physical, psychological and spiritual child-development centres up to postdoctoral studies should be effected countrywide.

“A cultural revolution is long overdue for this fragile nation.”
Commenting on the country’s economy, Iijambo said political independence did not translate into the desired socio-economic policies and practices.

“Any government entrusted with the responsibility of serving vulnerable Namibian people must see to the well-being of the nation,” he said, adding that Swanu is the trailblazer of fighting national poverty, high unemployment, endemic nation-draining corruption, destructive nepotism and serious inequalities that are negatively affecting the nation.

He said unacceptable social injustice and, as per the Gini co-efficient, and continuous unequal distribution of resources among the population are detrimental to the common economy.

“Numerous presidential commissions such as [concerning] the GIPF, Development Bridge and Social Security would be informative if released to avert the current economic slump the country finds itself in.”

He said the SME Bank-gate is the latest “tip of the dune” which warrants the highest authorities in the country to intervene.

Iijambo is Swanu’s 7th president. He replaces Usutuaije Maamberua who had served the party in that position for 10 years since 2007.